Chapter 48: Cold Shoulder

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Chapter 48: Cold Shoulder


Mrs. Potts bopped the kitchen timer. Wiping chocolate powder on a towelette (she'd NEVER dirty her apron! Cleanliness was next to godliness!), she announced to the royal kitchen:

"Nine o'clock on the spot! He should be here in five – four – three -- two – "

Expectantly the servants turned. Their spirits lifted as King Arthur entered the doorway.

"Hello everyone." Arthur smiled. He was tired – they could tell. But the young king smiled like it was Christmas morning. "Mind if I come in?"

"Of course!" they replied (their answer was always the same). "Please Your Majesty! Be our guest!"

"It's Arthur." Appreciatively Arthur sat at the center island. "And thank you."

"Always a pleasure, Your Majesty!"

And it was 'always a pleasure.' King Arthur had been visiting since his coronation, and he was a little ray of sunshine. Eager for companionship and a pleasant conversationalist, he passed every night in the company of his servants. Just talking. Just chatting. Just spending time.

"Have a gingersnap Your Majesty!" Mrs. Potts set a steaming tray before him. The smell was divine. "I know they're your favorite! Come on, eat up, up, up! You're never too old for cookies!"

Arthur offered a chair. "Will you have one with me?"

"My, my certainly not Your Majesty! Eat up! Spit spot!"

Arthur indulged. The cookie was so good, he indulged again. "Wonderful Mrs. Potts. Thank you."

"Too skinny! Let's fill those robes!" Happily, Mrs. Potts poured a glass of milk. "Growing boys need lots of sugar! Oh my! Your Majesty that looks like an interesting book! What's it's name, then?"

Arthur wiped his mouth. Quickly licking cookie crumbs from his fingers (Mrs. Potts had rules about crumbs in her clean kichen), he read the title aloud. "'A Didactic Critique of Political Frameworks and International Dialogues  as Pertaining to  the Establishment of Successful Warfare.' Merlin said I should read it."

"Entertaining, is it?"

"Um, there are strong points. Interesting. Worth consideration. I'm still taking notes. Mrs. Potts, how is Chip? Does he like high school?"

The visit passed typically. King Arthur's social calls never surpassed an hour, but they were delightfully spent. Chef Loui (the chef de cuisine) explained the difference between sauté, pan fry, and stir fry; Grimsby (the head butler) detailed his plans to upgrade castle management; Winston (the chauffeur) told stories of his younger race-car days; Lumiere (the suavest servant) performed candle light tricks; and Mrs. Potts did not let Arthur leave until he'd finished half the plate of cookies.

"Thank you everyone," Respectfully, Arthur touched his heart. "Unfortunately I have to go. Might I stop by tomorrow?"

"Of course Your Majesty! Be our guest!"

"It's Arthur." Arthur reminded. "And thank you."

"Always a pleasure, Your Majesty!"

"Take the rest of the cookies, Your Majesty!" Insisted Mrs. Potts. "I've wrapped them nicely! Just remember to eat them over a napkin or a plate!"

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