Chapter 35: I Wanna Reach Out And Grab Ya

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Chapter 35: I Wanna Reach Out And Grab Ya

Peter decided: he was just too popular.

Sigh. What a burden. He was just too spectacular, he was just too wonderful, he was just too charming, he was just too irresistible, oh the list went ON and ON! Everybody who was anybody wanted a piece of The Pan. Sigh again.

Really, it was just incredible how awesome he was.

And it was cramping his style.

Peter couldn't get a second alone with Wendy! Not one lousy second! Okay, the kissing had been gratifyingly private, but Peter needed more time. After all, 'kissing' was only one item on his agenda. Upon arrival, Peter had realized his time in Fantasia was limited. So, he drew a list of priorities, and it was divided as follows:

(1) Find Wendy

(2) Kiss Wendy

(3) French kiss Wendy (if she lets me) **

(4) Grope Wendy (if she lets me) **

(5) Say "Hello" to Wendy

(6) Repeat Items 1 - 4 (heeding ** notations)

(7) Ask Wendy WTF is going on between her and Terrence; remind her that she is engaged to the awesomest guy in the world; and demand to know why she hasn't freaking contacted me in 6 years

(8) Repeat Items 1-4 (heeding ** notations)

(9) Actually listen to Wendy's explanation to Item 7

(10) Repeat Steps 1-4 (heeding ** notations)

(11) Be awesome Peter Pan. Inform Wendy she is a lucky girl.

(12) Laugh at Wendy's reaction to Item 11.

The list was long and Peter was proud of it. Sure, the items were a little touchy-feely (okay a lot touchy-feely), but Peter hadn't purged his desires in six years. It had driven him crazy. For six years he had obsessed over Wendy; she interrupted his every thought.

There had been nights where Peter would relive their first kiss one hundred times over. Other days he would focus solely on her hair, imagining how it would feel wet, windswept, sandy, muddy, washed, dried, up, down, curled, straight, bow, no bow.

But most frequently, Peter had wasted hours daydreaming of the perfect wedding, right down to Wendy's wedding dress (lace, trumpet silhouette, a million satin buttons down the back for him to undo...good god he was going insane).

To say Wendy was distracting was an understatement. Peter wanted her. Badly.

So, when Peter saw Wendy for the first time, hand in hand with was too much. Peter played it cool, but his emotions flopped around like fish. He'd instantaneously felt timid as a pixie, aggressive as a monster, and extremely possessive. Peter wanted custody of Wendy, and he wanted everybody to know it - especially Miss Darling and her "best friend."

"Flynn. Aladdin. C'm here." Peter huddled between his two best buddies. Secretively, they schemed.

There was no need to whisper; they were in Tony's Restaurant and it was packed. Tony had taken advantage of King Arthur's spontaneous holiday; he was the only business open. The celebrating Fantasians were ravenous for pizza and Tony was raking in the dough! (pizza pun, totally intended).

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