Chapter 88: Demon and Angel

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Chapter 88: Demon and Angel

Wendy and Jim dripped into the castle, Jim dragging Wendy behind. Both had donned their realm outfits, but looked more like drowned puppies than guardians.  They were soaked. Completely disheveled.

King Arthur's more distinguished wedding guests snuffed at their drenched attire. Rain from Wendy's skirt stained the ivory carpet runner, and flowered arches wilted as Jim passed. The guests were appalled. It was despicable! How could they arrive in such a state! After all, this was a royal wedding; it was incumbent upon all guests to dress nicely.

Jim answered the scoffs with a scowl. His bloodshot eyes burned away every judgmental stare as he entered the castle, Wendy under his arm. Wendy was resisting, fearful of confronting Peter; but strangely it was Jim that struggled not to cry.

He couldn't find Ariel. When Wendy relayed Admiral Triton's message, that Ariel had returned to sea, Jim's heart had broken. And when Ariel didn't answer every time he screamed her name over the waves, he had wanted to die. Standing in the rain, waist deep in water, Jim had wanted to die.

Had it not been for Wendy, Jim would have pursued Ariel until he drowned. But guilt pulled Jim out of the ocean and into King Arthur's castle, in search of Peter Pan.

"I screwed this up." Jim wove Wendy between giggling bridesmaids. Peter's shadow and Morph scuttled into the rafters as he led her inside King Arthur's Throne Room, the wedding's epicenter. "So now we're going to set things right. Peter's somewhere in    here– "

Jim scanned. The Throne Room glowed like a diamond but was congested with Fantasians. Dignitaries, realm representatives, magical beings, friends, family members – they were all there. Security forces were aligning the visitors, but it was still overcrowded. 

Jim spotted a corner of Skyworld Indians. His gaze fell naturally to Admiral Triton walking briskly by.

"Over there..." Jim drew Wendy deeper. "Skyworld is over there. You see them? By the throne? Peter might be in the center. I'm going to talk to Admiral Triton, give him a message – " Jim swallowed, thorns in his throat. "—for Ariel. You go ask Chief Powhatan if Peter –"

Wendy fought. "Jim I ca–"

"Yes you can. Come on."

"But what if Peter –"

"Then he's stupid and evil." Jim said, reading her mind. He pushed through the crowd. "I still don't like Peter, but if you were willing to sleep with the asshole –"

"We didn't."

"—then Mom was right, there must be something you're seeing in him. So, even though I think you can do better –"

"I can't do better."

Jim stopped. He turned as Wendy pried apart their hands.

"I can't do better." she said. "And I wouldn't want to if I could."

Something in Wendy's voice made Jim look twice. It wasn't sad and it wasn't desperate. Her voice was simple and worn, like she was confessing the truth after telling a lie.

Massaging the hand she'd withdrawn, Jim sighed. "You believe that. Don't you?"

Wendy didn't respond. But her silence was enough.

"Okay, Wen." Rubbing her shoulder, Jim strode for Admiral Triton. "Go find him. Good luck."

Wendy reached gently for his hand but as her fingers rested, Jim was gone.

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