Chapter 77: Fury in the Slaughterhouse

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Chapter 77: Fury in the Slaughterhouse 

Peter had never snuggled before. As a rule, he never 'slept with' a lady unless sex was involved, and it was never overnight.

But as he awoke, Peter discovered –

--he LOVED snuggling!

A sun ray smeared Peter's face. Curling around Wendy's warm little body, he nuzzled her hair and inhaled. Ooooooooo. What was that scent? Some sort of flower? Sweat pea? Violet? Whatever, English garden – it was intoxicating.

"Hey. Sleepy head..."

Gently, Peter kissed Wendy's ear. She stirred but did not wake, shifting only for a dreamy sigh.

Peter smiled victoriously. As promised, he had protected Wendy from her nightmares. Following the first grand mal nightmare, Peter instinctively discovered the secret antidote: touch. Wendy responded to intimacy. For some reason, a tender embrace killed nightmares swiftly as a dreamcather. 

So, Peter's job was simple: kiss, hug, repeat. Straightaway, Wendy's nightmares trickled into harmless whimpers. Wendy slept in peace and Peter thoroughly enjoyed himself. It was heaven-sent.

All in all, Peter was incredibly gratified. He felt fantastic! Tremendous! Invincible! His smile was cha-cha-cha-ing, and his heart was break-dancing to a magical beat!

True, they hadn't been intimate but Peter felt fabulously closer to Wendy. They were inseparable and it was exciting!

Peter squeezed Wendy. Their bodies squished and the feeling made him giddy! Deliriously happy, Peter kissed Wendy twice -- one kiss for each of their future children.

"Michaleen. She's naming my son Michaleen." Chuckling, Peter circled Wendy's stomach. Dreaming about her rosy body beneath pink fabric, he breathed. "Crazy. Crazy girl...Who would have thought....Michaleen..."

His voice drifted. His eyelids drooped.

Then Peter's ears pricked. He heard something. Something outside. 

Senses heightened, Peter listened.

The front door opened. Shut. Opened again.  Shut. Footsteps shuffled in-between. Someone thundered upstairs. Who could it be --?

Oh. Duh. Peter calmed. It's Flynn. He left us alone last night. What a champ. What a bro. He and Punz must be back.

Ears relaxing, Peter drew the coverlet over their heads, just in case Flynn decided to invade. Wendy would undoubtedly panic that she'd overslept; she'd probably die if Flynn violated her modesty.

Ha. Peter felt deliciously evil. Wendy broke the rules. No, Wendy annihilated the rules. When Wendy woke up, she was going to explode. Adorable.

Well Peter reasoned, They were both in trouble! Might as well snuggle!

Peter made himself comfortable. As the doorknob rattled, he cuddled into Wendy.

Then the door shattered.

The covers ripped away.

Two hands clenched his throat.

Jim hurled Peter from bed. "Get off her!"

Peter dragged Wendy halfway across the mattress before letting go. Flung sideways, he stumbled, hit the wall –

And Jim attacked. He yanked Peter upright, tore back a fist and punched.

Wendy woke to Peter's shout. Jerking over, she stared for a disoriented second before the truth slaughtered her confusion.

"No! NO! Jim! Jim what are --?"  Wendy scrambled into the crossfire. Peter's blood squirted as Jim slammed him viciously into the wall. "Jim what are you doing? Stop! St –!"

Wendy suddenly reeled backwards as Ariel yanked her from danger.

"No!" Wendy twisted free. Desperately, she seized Jim's forearm. "No, no, no! Jim! Stop! STOP! Jim – !"

"You asshole!" With astounding ferocity, Jim ripped from Wendy. His fist flew, splitting Peter's lip. "You piece of shit how DARE you!"

Peter spluttered pink lather. He lurched, trying to fly. "WHAT?"

 Jim was hysterical.  

"You know she's lonely!"  he shouted,"You know she's been thinking of you for six years! You know she's sad! You know she's scared! You – "

Jim cut Peter to pieces. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!"

"JIM!" Somehow Wendy plunged between them. Leaning into Jim with all her strength, she pushed. "Jim it was me! I came here! Peter didn't ask, I DID! And we didn't! We didn't do anything –"

"Don't tell him that!" Peter growled, mouth black with blood. "It's NONE of his business!"

Jim grappled for Peter. "She is my business!"

"Then maybe we should have a threesome!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Jim charged but Peter was ready. He stabbed a knee into Jim's chest, cracking his ribs. Ariel intercepted as Peter struck again. Her trident hit Peter's windpipe, razing him with electricity.

"Stop it!" Wendy heaved Jim across the floor. As he staggered upright, she cried. "Everyone JUST STOP FIGHTING –"

Jim lashed. "Go home Wendy!"

"Jim!" Wendy begged. "Stop, just stop! I came here! It wasn't him, it was me! Peter and I –"

"Go home!"

"But we didn't do anyth – "


"Jim NO you're not listeni –"

"WENDY!" Jim grabbed. Driving Wendy across the room, he roared. "GO HOME!"

The air rung. Peter's dagger sliced by Jim's ear, embedding between the door and frame.

Wendy hit the panel. Jim rammed against her as Peter screamed.


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