Chapter 128: Dead Men Tell No Tales

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Chapter 128: Dead Men Tell No Tales

"You know what I can't stand about beautiful women?" 

Sinbad pressed a rum bottle against Marina's cheek. "Can't stand it when they're dumb. You see, Marina, you've got a nice ass and pretty face. But you're dumb. And that equals trouble. Right boys?"

Sinbad waited for his crew to heckle. They didn't disappoint him. Pirates are always good for a crude taunt.

The Fantasians, however, did not participate. Jim, John Smith, and Wendy watched silently. But each wore a different expression translating their displeasure. John Smith was flat, Jim was stony, and Wendy was disgusted – especially when the pirates attacked Marina's femininity.

Sinbad shrugged. Fantasians had a rep for being sappy. This was not a Sunday picnic – this was pirate ship. Marina got whatever she deserved. 

Thanks to Marina, The Princess was sailing right into Pitch's trap. Sinbad had no doubt that Pitch knew exactly where they were, and when they would arrive. Sinbad had a few tricks up his sleeve, but most were definite duds and Pitch was sure to call his bluff.

Thus far, Sinbad's plan was to LIE. 

Sinbad would LIE that they had Pitch's shadow worker. Hopefully Pitch would bring them Sarah. And then? Eh, then Sinbad would give Jim an M16 assault rifle and let the kid blow Pitch's brains out. The rest: improvisation.

In the meantime, there was nothing they could do. Nothing except punish the wicked.

"My wife is a beautiful woman." Conversationally, Sinbad wound chains around Marina's feet. "But unlike you, my wife is not dumb. My wife can chart the ocean blindfolded. My wife is a mathematics wiz. My wife is beautiful and smart. And thanks to you – "

Sinbad yanked. The chains squeezed Marina's shins. "Thanks to you, Marina, my wife is imprisoned by a complete psychopath."

Marina smirked. "Unless the complete psychopath raped your beautiful, smart wife to death."

Jim advanced, but Sinbad lifted a hand. His muscles were tensed. The pirates heard the tension through his vocal cords. 

"Take a look Marina." Sinbad's tone was very dangerous.  "See that landscape over there? See all this snow? We're almost to Avalon. Marina, you've got seventeen seconds to tell me what you know about Pitch. Who is this shadow worker? What is Pitch planning to do with Jim? Where is he keeping Sarah? What messages have you been sending him in bottles?"

Marina said nothing.

Sinbad lost patience.

"I lost my wife once, Marina. I am not losing her again. I will sacrifice anyone  for Sarah. Anyone. So if you die because you're too dumb to tell me what I want to know..." Sinbad grasped Marina's chains. "Then I'll sleep like a baby."

Marina blew a dainty, poisonous kiss. "At least you won't be sleeping with your beautiful, smart – "

Sinbad didn't let her finish. With a single, violent shove, he flipped Marina overboard.

She hit the water. And sunk.

"Dead men tell no tales." Sinbad glared into the icy ocean. He waited for Marina's air bubbles to disappear before turning to the crew. "Comments? Questions? Concerns?"

No one moved.

"Sure?" Sinbad snarled.

A few grim nods.

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