Chapter 108: Like Father, Like Son

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Chapter 108: Like Father, Like Son

"Son of a bitch!"


"That son of a bitch!"

"Jim that's enough, you are not helping anythi –"

Jim said something too evil to think, let alone say aloud. "Why can't that son of a bitch just die!"

"James Pleaides Hawkins!" Sarah stood between her son and the door. Jim had almost broken his fist against the panel. "Stop right now! Right now! You and I are both going to calm down! And when Sinbad comes back we are going to listen to what your father has to – "

The bomb ticking inside Jim exploded. Everything came out. Ten years of everything.

"Sinbad is NOT my father! Sinbad is the man that dumped you with me! My father – " Jim pointed violently to space. "My father is the one that had to clean up after his mess! My father is the one that actually gave a damn! My father is the one that said I could rattle stars! My father is the one that believed I was something better than Sinbad's son! My father – my – is not – Sin—"

Suddenly, Jim was exhausted. His emotions were ravenous. His brain was overwhelmed. His memories were ugly, gritty realities. Jim was too exhausted to fight. So, with a rancid feeling spreading across his chest, Jim lowered to the ground.

How long he was there, and exactly when he fell asleep Jim couldn't say.

But when he awoke...


It was dark. Jim climbed painfully from his slumber. His eyelids felt thick. And raw. And salty.

Salty? God -- had he cried? Jim cleared mucous from his throat. Crying. Great. Jesus he was turning into Wendy.

"Mom?" Jim repeated, sitting upright. He pressed both eyes. They stung. "Mom where are – "

"Mom's fine."

Sinbad's voice leapt from the shadows. Jim spun. The cabin was windowless, but Sinbad's face glowed against a pearly light. Swiftly, Jim traced lightsource to a golden seashell necklace. Sinbad was wearing the necklace, and although he appeared calm, two fingers were uneasily working the chain.

The necklace distracted Jim. Anger momentarily subsided, he studied the spiral shell. It looked familiar. Old memories itched, but did not surface to recollection. Where had he seen the necklace before? Jim peered harder, trying to remember, but Sinbad interrupted his examination.

"Mom's up deck. In the crow's nest. Thought we'd enjoy a nice, quiet, non-aggressive dinner under the stars. Had to tie her down of course. But, by the time we get up there she'll have most of the knots undone. Your mom's a tough cookie. Those are actually two of my favorite words...tough cookie."

Sinbad released the golden chain. "Like someone else I know."

The seashell necklace dropped. Again, Jim tried but failed to identify the glowing pendant. Lifting only his eyes, Jim glowered at his father.

Pure hatred. Sinbad could feel it. A switch blade to the groin would have hurt less. Unnerved (and irritated), Sinbad goaded Jim to break the silence.

"Gonna say anything?"

Jim glared. He said nothing.

"You going to talk to me?" Sinbad tapped an eye. "Or are we going to have a staring contest all night?"

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