Chapter 12: Lady Amalthea

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Chapter 12: Lady Amalthea

"So....I hear you're 100."

Toothless snorted. Even he knew Hiccup's comment was poor taste.

But The King was not insulted. In fact, he seemed fairly amused.

"Actually..." The King replied "...I am 119. This forest is 100. I was nineteen years old when I met my lady. And I was nineteen- " he gestured absently overhead. "-when I made this."

Hiccup looked up. The King's statement had been flippant; he hardly seemed impressed with their surroundings. But Hiccup was. He was utterly awed.

They had entered Avalon. Schmendrick and Master Emrys had disbanded the magical barrier (Schmendrick accidentally turned several trees into lollipops). The company had melted into the enchanted forest, and the quest continued. The wizards trailblazed ahead. Hiccup and Toothless took residence by The King (Hiccup on Toothless and Toothless on foot). And Sir Lionel monitored silently behind.

Avalon was the quintessential enchanted forest. However, being from Berk (a place affectionately nicknamed 'The Armpit of the Otherland'), Hiccup was none the wiser. He had never been in an enchanted forest. And he was spellbound. The trees were silver. The leaves were gold. Just about everything sparkled (including the fairies and fireflies). And with each breath, Hiccup felt the air purifying his soul.

Hiccup had to admit: The King was a lousy sovereign. But he sure knew how to make a kick-ass enchanted forest.

"Oh. 119 years old?" Hiccup squeezed his knees, signaling Toothless to wait for The King. "Hear that's a good year."

"Is that what you hear?" The King laughed wryly. "Well, I hope so. The previous years have been ...unproductive."

"Still!" Hiccup insisted, uncomfortable with The King's allusion to his failed kingship. "119? You look good. Keep up with the Wheaties."

The King laughed - openly and without irony. Bashfully, Hiccup smiled. He was glad The King could take a joke.

The wizards glowered over their shoulders. Master Emrys demanded to know what the confounded merriment was all about, and if it was it really necessary? The King apologized and assured Master Emrys it would not happen again. Master Emrys wagged a finger. The King winked back. Composure regained, he returned to Hiccup.

"Well thank you, Hiccup." The King said. "That was quite a compliment. But I suspect living with wizards has had a youthening effect. Master Emrys lives backwards, after all."

Hiccup watched as The King cut across a rocky rivulet. His feet barely grazed the water. He was a spry old gentlemen.

"Still." Hiccup repeated. "119 and still going strong? You gotta be doing something right."

The King kicked reeds from his boots, clearly self-criticizing. "Hm."

"Come on slowpokes! No lollygagging!" Master Emrys' called. He was jogging at a ferocious pace. "We're making good tracks! Good tracks! Come on! Hop, hop, hop it!"

"Your Majesty." Sir Lionel ascended the riverbank. "The moon is high. It is almost time."

Moonbeams scattered through the treetops and freckled The King's nose.

"Yes." The King touched his empty scabbard. "It is almost time. But, we must find Amalthea first."

"Amalthea?" Hiccup reared Toothless. "Who's Amalthea?"

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