Chapter 127: The Last Unicorn

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Chapter 127: The Last Unicorn

That night, Arthur groomed to the best of his ability. Schmendrick tried to help (which was not helpful), as did Garrett (which was less helpful), and so did Shrek (which actually made things worse). Arthur resigned to scrubbing his cheeks with snow (ugh the cold) and finger-combing his hair. 

In the end, he still looked mangy. But at least he was clean – sort of.

"We will leave you now. Give you some privacy." Schmendrick practically danced as Shrek bunched Arthur under a tree and Kayley kindled a small fire. Schmendrick motioned to Garrett drifting along the outskirts, his ears (and Aiden's eyes) open for danger.

"Our campfire is over yonder, not far away. Just call if there's trouble, but I don't expect there will be. We are deep within Avalon. Ruber will never find us – it can't be long until we reach Odette! "

Arthur nodded. They'd been traveling all day, speed hindered by the snow. Arthur's heart had refrozen, and once again he had to be carried by Shrek. It was terribly inconvenient for the quest and agonizing for Arthur – after all, Lady Amalthea had been watching. He was embarrassed.

"Thank you Schmendrick." Arthur stared into the fire. "The sooner we find The Lady of the Lake, the better. For everyone. Anyway...thanks to all of you. Goodnight."

Schmendrick genuflected. And as he bowed, he extended two fingers and a thumb. "Think of a flower, Your Majesty. A flower for your lady. Then pinch. I might have a little magic left."

The magic inside Schmendrick's fingers pulsed, waiting for Arthur to select a flower that would please Lady Amalthea. But Arthur hesitated, remembering the starry night he tried to surprise Elsa with hot chocolate, and she shunned him like a clumsy little fool.

Schmendrick's smile faded. "Your Majesty? Don't be afraid. I know my magic has gone awry before, but I promise these will be flowers, not snakes. I'm actually very good at this trick. Gardening – an age old magic. But if you think flowers are cheapish..."

"No. I'm sorry. I'm just – not sure what she – " Arthur reached for Schmendrick's fingers. Thinking fleetingly of Amalthea's clear, violet eyes, he pinched. Magic sprouted from Schmendrick's finger tips. There was a soft pop, a gentle sparkle, and then –

"Viola!" Schmendrick flipped his wrist, pulling a bouquet from midair. The flowers were brilliant lavender-blue, with silky, star shaped petals. "Flowers for your lady!"

"Violets?" Arthur guessed as Schmendrick passed him the bouquet.

Surprisingly, Shrek corrected. "No those are periwinkles."

They all turned. Garrett's eyebrows rose, pleasantly amused. Aiden snickered.

"What? Ogres can't name flowers? Oh never mind!" Shrek plowed through the trees. Snow smattered from overhanging boughs as he grumbled. "Fiona likes flowers! Artie – good luck and don't blow it!"

The group departed. Shrek was reprimanded as they left, but Arthur actually appreciated the farewell. He needed all the luck he could get, even if it came from Shrek. Lady Amalthea was gorgeous. But not only gorgeous – she was also graceful, enchanting, composed. 

Schmendrick's assurances seemed too good to be true. Arthur couldn't believe that the beautiful lady was...his.

But she had kissed him? Arthur reasoned, Hadn't she? Either that or she had poured glitter over his lips, because that's how they felt! Glittery and tingly and amazingly on fire...

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