Chapter 55: Road Trip

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Chapter 55: Road Trip

"Ack. Bunny. You joke."

"No. North. I don't. Jack Frost is a bloody miscreant and I say we melt his frosty hind-quarters, re-freeze him in an ice cube tray, and feed him to the yetis!"

"Urghwrg!" the yetis objected.

"Fine." revised Bunny. "The elves."

Dingle the elf jingled. He was okay with that.

"Bunny." North soothed as Sandman wagged his finger. "Jack is in Fantasia. It is as you said – we do not guard Fantasia, and we cannot keep playing this merry-go-roundy with Jack. The children of Otherland need our protection."

"North!" Tooth called. She batted the mini-fairies buzzing around her. "North come look at the globe!"

"Tooth." North pleasantly chastised. "Can't you see we are trying to argue?"

"But—!" Tooth pointed. "The globe! There's a strange – "

"We haven't seen hide nor hair of Pitch." Bunny interrupted, resuming the argument. "And the Otherland kids are fine – hunky dory. Hasn't been a battle in days. But Jack can't keep running around Fantasia like a bloody show pony! You remember the last time we tried to collaborate with the Fantasian guardians – "

"Jack Frost." North reminded sadly. "Is not yet a guardian. He refuses still."

Sandman wiped a tear.

"North!" Tooth urged, hands pressed to the globe. "North get over here – "

"I'm not suggesting we include Jack as guardian." Bunny clarified. He hopped sideways as Sandman whisked by to join Tooth. "I'm saying we put him in his place. Get Jack out of Fantasia before he makes a mess that we have to clean up!"

"North!" Tooth pleaded as Sandman flashed an exclamation point over his head. "North! Seriously something is wrong – "

"Bunny! Is better to focus on current situation!" North spanked Bunny with his sabre. "Finding Pitch!"

Furiously, Bunny rubbed his rump. "Pitch isn't here mate! We've combed the Otherland! You must've been seeing things!"

"HA! North does not see things! Vision – 20 and 20!"

"Then what's with the half moon glasses?"

"Is for show! Gives character!"

"Oh kinda like the belly full of jelly?"

"ACK! Do NOT insult the belly!"

"North the belly can't talk!"

"The belly talks! She KNOWS!"

"I think you've been drinking too much eggnog mate –"

"North!" Tooth shrieked as Sandman flung a ball of dreamsand. "Bunny! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"

Aggravated, North and Bunny whipped about into a face full of dreamsand. As the dreamsand diffused into their subconscious, North and Bunny staggered sleepily beneath golden images sparkling over their heads.

"Ooo..." North pawed groggily at dreamsand peppermint sticks. "Cannnnnnndy cannnnnnnes!"

To his left, Bunny grinned googly-eyed at dancing carrots. Dreamily, the two guardians bumped, collapsed, and fell sound asleep – dreaming of candy canes and carrots.

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