Chapter 24: Show and Tell

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Chapter 24: Show and Tell


"You stop!"

"Hold still!"

"You hold still!"

Wendy and Jim were understandably giddy. They had been a long time apart; too long for best friends. Regardless, time had not passed long enough to break their bond. Wendy and Jim reconnected instantly. For the first time in six years, they felt whole.

However, their relationship was not without change. Wendy and Jim walked around each other in wonderment, exploring for differences and looking for similarities. But, as any astronomer knows, it's hard to study a body in motion.

"Stop moving!"

"You stop moving!"

"I can't see!"

"Well I can't see!"



"Okay - every that's not a boy: halt."

"No!" Laughing, Wendy ducked as Jim reached for her hat (She had dressed. John had almost fainted at the sight of grease on his pajamas. They were promptly laundered). "You stand still Jim Hawkins! Ladies first."

"Busted on gender typing. Okay." Jim stepped back. "Shoot."

Wendy looked. Chin to finger, she tilted her head and observed.

Jim had grown. He was an inverted triangle, wilted sharply down from wide shoulders to trim waist. His arms looked like they wrestled comets; and over the left deltoid, Wendy glimpsed something that looked suspiciously like a tattoo. She decided to ask later. Jim's hairstyle hadn't drastically changed, his bangs were ratty, and his rattail was rattier. However, across Jim's jaw (which was sharper than ever) was a five o'clock shadow.

  Wendy couldn't resist. 

"Can I touch it?"

Jim actually laughed. He leaned forward. "Sure."

Wendy rubbed his stubble. "It's prickly!" she giggled. "Very prickly!"

"Trying to grow it out."

"Well that will look nice. Rougish. Jim, is that a -"

"-tattoo? Yeah. Wanna look?"


Jim pulled his collar. He rotated his shoulder, improving the view. "Just don't tell Mom."

"Hardly." Wendy agreed. She peered at the tattoo. It was a fanged skull with three eyes, surrounded by two elliptical rings. The symbol reminded Wendy of a pirate skull and crossbones.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Intergalactic pirate symbol." Jim replaced his shirt. Lifting his right hand, he pointed to a red scar extended from his middle finger to his wrist. "Remember when Captain Hook gave me this?"

Wendy stiffened. The memory burst like a hot coal in her brain. "Yes."

"Well, turns out Captain Hook did some time in space." Jim tapped his palm. "The red scar is pretty well known - and feared. Aliens see the scar and scram. They think I'm one of Hook's pirates, and pretty much leave me alone. It's great."

Wendy did a double take. "Wait, just a moment. Did you say - aliens?"


"There are aliens in Fantasia's Outerworld?"

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