Chapter 144: Fantasia Given

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Chapter 144: Fantasia Given

They came from the east. They came from the west. They came from the north, south, and every place between. They came to Camelot for the giving of Fantasia.

King Arthur beheld the gathering. It was so crowded, people were standing on the moon! But King Arthur studied every Fantasian, Otherlander, ogre, Viking, and dragon. He saw their differences and smiled. His adventures had reemphasized an important truism: from variety, tremendous opportunity grows

Arthur believed the truism would hold for the Otherland and Fantasia. He believed the two countries could unite. He believed the ancient enemies would merge into a powerful kingdom.

True, the metamorphosis would take time. And (like any relationship) it would take compromise and understanding. But King Arthur was undaunted. In fact, he could not wait.

So with Excalibur at his side, King Arthur crowned his queen. Master Merlin observed from the front, Headmaster Mickey observed from the back, and the guardians observed bilaterally (North, Tooth, Bunny, Sandman, and Jack to the left; Ariel, Peter, Wendy, and Jim to the right). Amalthea represented the Otherland. Arthur represented Fantasia. Their union represented an acceptance of 'the Others' and the giving of Fantasia. All allegiances were sworn to King Arthur and Queen Amalthea.

And heavens – when Arthur and Amalthea kissed? Take my word: lots of cheering. Had Jim not already rattled it, the Wishing Star would have fallen from the sky.

"Okay!" Arthur twirled Amalthea behind castle walls. He kissed her three times for good luck, and once more because three was not enough. "We did it Allie! We did it! Now! Time for the Darling – Pan wedding, and a happily ever after for all!"

"Perhaps not Wart."

Arthur and Amalthea turned. Their spirits tempered as Master Merlin (accompanied by Headmaster Mickey) approached. They were grim. Very grim.

"What is it?" Arthur studied his mentors. He squeezed Amalthea's hand as their expressions darkened. "What do you mean perhaps not? Perhaps not what?"

"Perhaps..." Master Merlin locked the door. He flicked his wand, drawing the blinds. "Perhaps it is impractical and impossible for you to wish a happily ever after for all."

Arthur frowned. As did Amalthea.

"What do you mean?" they asked.

Master Merlin hesitated to speak, fearing an omniscient presence would hear.

So Headmaster Mickey divulged.

"Your Majesty.... I've seen...a storyteller."

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