Chapter 68: Kill The Fern Gullian

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Chapter 68: Kill The Fern Gullian

Admittedly, Drago Bludvist was a brutal, bloodthirsty barbarian. Admittedly, he was everything Vikings aspired to be.

But Astrid still did not like Drago. Neither did Chief Stoick.

However, both were pissed at Hiccup.

"Hiccup! You AGREE with HIM? ARRHHH! I swear by THOR I am going to STICK MY AXE UP YOUR SORRY –"

"Astrid. Sit." Gruffly, Stoick pulled Astrid beside him. As she landed, Stoick scowled at Hiccup. "My son is not chief yet. This army is made of my Vikings, my men. And Hiccup's council, however insistent, means nothing.

Hiccup winced. Shoulder to shoulder with Drago, he stared at the ground.

"But Dad," he murmured. "Maybe Drago has a point. If the Fantasians are expecting us, then a swift attack – "

"The Fantasians—!" Stoick thumped a knee (the earth shook). "Are not Vikings! Ye all think we can just sweep Fantasia? Jus' like that? No! I've crossed with Fantasia's king, I've captured Fantasia's spies – Fantasians are not Vikings! They are cunning, deceptive, slippery."

"Stoick is right." Gobber added. Gobber was a one-handed-pegged-legged blacksmith. He was also Chief Stoick's 'personal advisor' (in Viking, that's code for 'best friend').

"We Vikings attacking Fantasia will be like hitting a puddle." Gobber beat his prosthetic sledgehammer to emphasize. "The water splashes, but molds back together. Fantasians are weaker than Vikings, yes – but they are tricky. Got all sorts of boobie traps and secret hideaways."

"So in answer to yer foolish plan – NO. " Stoick glared at Hiccup before returning to Drago. "No. We are lying low, staying below the treetops. If the Fantasians see us coming they will make preparations, and Vikings are not clever enough to withstand a Fantasian attack. Fantasians are sneaky."

"Too sneaky." Gobber adjusted an iron tooth. "Even for dragons. And especially for Vikings."

"Especially for dumb Vikings." Astrid muttered scathingly. 

Behind her, Toothless snorted.

Hiccup looked up. Astrid glanced back. Curiously, Toothless had snubbed Hiccup ever since his decision to take Fantasia. That was unprecedented: Toothless and Hiccup never disagreed. Not usually, anyway. But as they crossed the Otherland, Toothless had completely abandoned Hiccup, preferring the company of Astrid and Stormfly (her dragon).

Astrid didn't complain, she assumed Toothless was irritated with Hiccup as she was – but it was just weird. Toothless almost seemed sentimental, like he didn't want to attack Fantasia. Weird. Very weird.

Drago interrupted Astrid's thoughts.

"Fantasians are cowards." Drago grunted, taking Hiccup's shoulder. "Hiccup knows, Hiccup saw. Fantasians killed our king. They deserve the same – an eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth."

"For those of us that have a tooth." Gobber said, attempting to lighten the mood. He shirked as Stoick glowered. "Or an eye...sorry Stoick."

"Fantasia has no dragons." Drago fingered his bullhook. The curved blade gleamed. "And I am the dragon master. By controlling Berk's dragons, I can – "

"Okay, first of all—" Astrid interrupted, "Hiccup is the dragon master! Even if he is acting like a glump of yak barf!"

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