Chapter 138: Talk TOO Much

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Chapter 138: Talk TOO Much

Jim thought Wendy could talk.

But Ariel... 

Ariel had Wendy beat.

"Oh my gosh Arthur and Amalthea are like the cutest couple ever! Except, you know, besides us! But, I betcha if we were still in high school, Arthur and Amalthea would win the cutest couple award. They've just got that vibe. What stereotype do you think we would be? Probably sexiest couple or geekiest couple – you know, because of the Star Wars thing. Hey! Halloween is tomorrow, isn't it?! You and I could pull off an incredible Anakin and Padme, or Han and Leia. OR you could go as Obi-Wan Kenobi and I could go as R2-D2 or something – "

Adorable. Ariel was so freaking excited to have her voice back.

Jim passively absorbed. He listened to Ariel as one might listen to music, enjoying the musicality of her dialogue versus each individual word. It was wonderful. Ariel's voice warmed his ears – just like earmuffs.

Moreover, Ariel hadn't left his side since the Battle to Give Fantasia.

Oh yeah. Life was good. Not perfect, but definitely good and scheduled to improve (hopefully).

Jim still had problems to resolve, but he and Ariel were happy. That was step number one. Steps numbers 2 through 6 included: (2) reuniting with Silver, (3) confronting Sinbad, (4) proposing to Ariel, (5) determining Ariel's pregnancy status --

(was she pregnant or NOT?!??!?!)

-- and (6) checking on Wendy.

Wendy concerned him the most. Jim hadn't seen her since the battle. He'd almost died after breaking the Wishing Star, and the hospitalization process was equally as painful. He was being healed by Merlin's magic. 

Sound awesome? Think again. Magic was not a great antidote. There were caveats to Merlin's incantations (apparently Jim would need glasses someday), but whatever. Ariel thought glasses were sexy.

The Underworld also separated Wendy from Jim. Apparently, Tinkerbell had bequeathed Pitch the Underworld, and Wendy was cleaning his mess. The shadows were rampant, stray nightmares crept under beds, and Big Ben had blinked out. Jim felt bad for Wendy. She'd slaved six years to rebuild the Underworld, only to have it destroyed.

King Arthur had heavily suggested reconstruction and Wendy (to Jim's slight surprise) immediately obeyed. She descended to the Underworld and disappeared...even as the reals remained wide open.

It was almost like Wendy was hiding. Avoiding.


As Ariel would say: something was fishy. Jim knew Wendy too well. She was a homebody. She got homesick. She enjoyed 'mothering' their family and friends. Why would she stay in the Underworld?

"Hey Ariel?" Jim shifted in his hospital bed. "Whatever happened to Pan?"

"Peter? Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater?"

Jim smiled. Well that was adorable. "Yeah."

"Dunno." Ariel hopped off the mattress. Dr. Sweet had entered, and he had rules about double bunking. "Probably in Skyworld. Hopefully trying to turn off all this rain!"

Jim considered. The bedside window pattered with raindrops. Wet leaves plastered the sill. It had been raining for days.



"I might need a favor. Game?"

"Sure! I can do you a solid!" Ariel leaned on her trident. Since retrieving the trident from Astrid, Ariel hardly let it go. "What can I do ya for?"

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