Chapter 74: Gwendolyn and Michaleen

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Chapter 74: Gwendolyn and Michaleen

"Kids?" Wendy settled, intrigued by the question. Peter's foot pattered enthusiastically, as if he already knew the answer. "Children?"

"Yeah! You know once the stork comes." Wickedly Peter winked, teasing their abstinence. "I hear storks bring babies."

Wendy blushed. "I'm sorry." she apologized again.

"Quit with the sorry's! If you keep saying 'SORRY' you're getting a SPANK! But seriously – when we're married, do you want kids?"

"Oh so much Peter." Wendy said, visiting a favorite daydream. "So much."

"Great!" Peter jumped, adjusting to his side. "I love kids! Kids are cool! Think about it – little bitty kids made of little bits of you and little pieces of me! It'll be great! We can tie their little sneakers, read them bedtime stories, take them on roller coaster rides, buy them a dog – !"


"Oh yeah, forgot! We're getting a dog! You like dogs?"

"I love dogs."

Peter celebrated. "Me too! I've never had one, but I've always wanted a huge, fluffy, friendly dog! You know, a dog that's big as a bear, one our kids could ride!"

"Like a Newfoundland?" Wendy suggested, eager to participate in Peter's make-pretend. "Or Saint Bernard?"

"Yeah! Perfect, either will do! How many you want?"



"Oh. Well..." Dreamily, Wendy drew on the ceiling. "At least two. A girl. And a boy."

"My thoughts exactly." Peter guided her arm in circles. "And I've got the perfect names."

Wendy smiled. "Oh have you?"

"Yup! Get a load of these..." Gracefully, Peter spelled with her finger. "Peter and Wendy."

"Oh Peter." Wendy turned. They grazed noses. "Oh Peter, no."

"Why not?" Peter laughed, tapping her chin. "Junior and junior! The boy we'll name Peter, the girl we'll name Wendy!"

"Well I gathered that." 

"Ya see?!" Triumphantly, Peter scrolled their names into the air. "Peter and Wendy! Love it! Deal?"

Wendy squirmed, dithering between pleasing Peter and her personal inclinations. "Both of our names? Peter that seems a bit conceited."

"I am conceited!"


"Hear how nicely they ring," Peter flourished. "Peter and Wendy! You can practically hear wind-chimes when I say them! They're perfect! Ambrosia my dear! Ambrosia!"

"Oh Peter..." Wendy erased the pretend letters as he re-scripted. "I don't's just...both?"

"Wendy – " Peter begged. "You HAVE to give me Peter!"

"Well I like the name Peter." Wendy admitted, although  she still clung to her misgivings. "But how would we know who was who? What if I called and both of you answered?"

"Call him Pete!" Peter replied. "It makes sense – a little Peter, so you shorten it to Pete! Listen: Come here Pete! Lunch time Pete! Stop throwing water balloons at Rat Tail, Pete! Okay?"

Wendy consented. There was no use arguing -- he'd just crave it more. "Alright. Peter the second, it is."

"You mean Pete."

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