Chapter 110: The Wimp Problem

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Chapter 110: The Wimp Problem

Astrid wasn't taking any more chances. 

She was also being vindictive.

"Twist the stake in deeper Ruffnutt. Deeper. Come on deeper, even she'll be able to break free if you don't twist it in deeper! Just – "

Astrid shoved Wendy at Ruffnutt. Following a quick spit and lather, she ground Ruffnutt's improvised 'stake' earthward. The 'stake' was actually an oak bough, nearly thick as it was long, but Astrid drove it through the center of the planet. 

The men (Hiccup, Snoutlout, Tuffnutt, and Fishlegs) watched. They did not offer to help.

But Hiccup did cautiously object.

"Astrid um...we actually rescued Wendy. Remember?"

Astrid began strapping Wendy to the stake. "And?" she grunted.

"And..." Hiccup said as Astrid doubled knotted the ropes. The cords were already slicing into Wendy's wrists. "That technically means she's one of us. So maybe you could be nice?"

Astrid looked ready to eat him alive. Hiccup proceeded with care.

"Don't blow up on me - I'm just saying that the stake seems extreme. Wendy isn't dangerous. After all she saved Toothless. Right bud?"

Toothless nodded, but his enthusiasm faded as Astrid and the other dragons snarled. Stormfly was tempted to roast Wendy raw.

"The shadow worker hurt my dragon." Astrid said, alluding to Wendy's shadow working during the battle. "We still have over 100 miles to Berk, and I'm not sure Stormfly will be able to make it with her broken wing. Thanks to this shadow worker, Fantasia's entire army attacked Stormfly when she was down."

"A tragic turn of events." Tuffnutt narrated melodramatically. "The huntress becomes the hunted. Woebegone Astrid. Woebegone Stormfly. Woebegone. Continue scene..."

Astrid had already continued.

"Plus, Hiccup, do I have to remind you that this shadow worker ripped Skullcrusher and Chief Stoick from the sky? Sure -- I think Stoick was burned by dragon fire, but this shadow worker put him in harms way! So – "

Astrid yanked Wendy's knots. "So if you want to keep her, then she stays on a leash! Get it?"

"How shall he answer?" Tuffnutt moaned, still pretending to narrate. "How shall young Hiccup answer his Viking princess in the face of ethical ambiguity?"

Hiccup answered: like a guy.

"Come on Astrid – "

"Doof it in your helmet." Astrid snapped. Joining her injured dragon, she retired for the night. "I'll keep first watch. It's starting to snow, so someone better stay up with me. This snow is blinding – we'll need two sets of eyes. One for our enemies. And one for her."

The Vikings consented. 

But Hiccup remained. 

Hiccup had mixed feeling for Wendy. Part of him resented her for Stoick's death. Astrid was right; Wendy had dismounted Stoick with her shadow working, which ultimately lead to his death. 

Deep down, Hiccup knew Wendy had been acting defensively. After all, the Vikings had attacked her country – she was probably following orders.  Her actions weren't personal -- they were survival.

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