Chapter 30: The Round Table (Round 2)

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Chapter 30: The Round Table (Round 2)

Apparently, King Arthur's announcement was unbeknownst to anybody (except him). No one knew that Arthur had not called the guardians.

And they were not pleased.

Especially Headmaster Mickey.

"Hot fudge and hot phooey!" Wrathfully, Headmaster Mickey shook his fists. "Darn storyteller!"

"Mickey!" Mistress Minnie scolded. "Language!"

Wendy sympathized.

"Um - Headmaster?" Arthur backed slightly. Headmaster Mickey's outburst was quite uncharacteristic. Of Arthur's advisers, he was the calmest. It was alarming to see Headmaster Mickey lose composure.

 "Headmaster, are - er. How do you mean? What storyteller?"

"Storytellers!" Headmaster Mickey raved. "Shifty, interfering, meddlesome, troublemakers! Think they can just waltz right into our story and mess things up like scrambled eggs! Taking Fantasia - Giving Fantasia - blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! On and on and on! Yatta, yatta! Well let me tell you Miss Lower Case 's' - we're all here, we're all confused, and you've flipped our lives into a ridiculous storyline! We - Are - Not - Amused - none of us!"

Flynn leaned into Admiral Triton. Wary eye on Headmaster Mickey, Flynn muttered from the corner of his mouth. "Who's he talking to?"

Headmaster Mickey panted like a rabid rat. He glowered at the blank faces. No one understood his gibberish; but they did understand that Headmaster Mickey was mad.

"You...okay?" Arthur ventured, a little clueless.

"What? Oh. Fine. Yes, I'm fine. Personal experience - you had to have been there."

Headmaster Mickey glossed his ears. Soothed, he gestured graciously to King Arthur. "Please continue."

Arthur looked dubious as to whether he should. After all, his last comment had triggered Headmaster Mickey's minor conniption.

Jim ended the silence. "What do you mean you didn't call?"

Arthur repeated. "Just that. I did not call you back. I thought of it - several times - but the situation was never dire. I can only call the guardians to protect Fantasia. And currently, Fantasia is at peace."

Jim frowned. "But I heard you call. In my head. "

"So did I." Wendy agreed. "I didn't recognize the voice at first. Your voice has changed Your Majesty, but it was the one I heard. What's more, I felt a pull guiding me to Fantasia."

"Through the stomach?" Jim verified, looking at Wendy. "Like a thread through the stomach and into the back?"

"Yes." Wendy nodded. "That was the feeling."

"Ariel felt it too!" Flounder said as Ariel circled the fishbowl rim. "And she also heard your voice King Arthur."

"Dido." said Peter. "And the pull yanked me right out of the sky. That never happens."

The Indians nodded gravely. Never.

"We're not trying to be disrespectful." Wendy began apologetically. "But I think we're all just a little confused. If you didn't call us, who did? In fact: who else can?"

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