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Zayn shook his head. Husseina was lying. She was lying... right? Gina couldn't get with an ex of hers... right?

He wondered what he could do to confirm. He couldn't ask Gina. She would immediately know he had been in contact with Husseina. Hussein was avoiding any talk on his female best friend, and Fiona was very quiet as her abuela had returned from Egypt. From what he heard, this lady never ran out of exciting things to do. Zayn envied her.

The only person left was Husseina, though he knew she was probably manipulating him to come back to her. He couldn't forget how lovely she looked that morning, and even after staying in her room the whole day, and out of his sight as well, she was stuck in his head like a song on replay.

He realized, with sudden fear, that he wanted her back. Didn't matter if she was within sight or not-he was torn between Gina and Husseina, and he had the latter within his grasp. He needed to touch and kiss her cherry lips, hold her in his arms and never let go of her. He wanted to get lost in her intoxicating scent.

But Gina loves you.

She did too, didn't she?

He texted Gina instead, hoping for a reply as soon as possible.

To Gina
Hey, how's it going with choreographing?

It wasn't too long before he got a reply.


"Zayn, today is the day for the mini meet. Yes, they are just doing my choreography... I did most of the work... I had help though because I couldn't handle everyone at the same time... thanks for the text Zayn. It is sweet... of course I do think of you..."

"Please hang up Gina, we gotta go," Sasha called before leaving to stand at the door of his office, watching as the girls and boys filtered into the gym.

Gina took a look at Sasha who was staring at her as he made gestures indicating that she ought to wrap up the call.

"I have to go Zayn," she said quietly. "I miss you loads and... Kerem?"

"Kerem?" Sasha asked.

"Kerem?" Zayn asked.

Gina's eyes widened as she realized that he was still on the line. She hurriedly hang up before focusing on Kerem and Sasha who was looking at Kerem like he was going to be in loads of trouble before the day ended.

"Kerem, what are you doing her? Aren't you supposed to be on the floor? What did I just say? Were you even listening?"

Kerem lowered his lashes, his eyes meeting Gina's cleavage. "My eyes are up here," she said, and Sasha stared at Gina over Kerem's shoulder.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" he roared, making both teenagers cringe. There was silence before Gina nodded at him to go. Kerem turned and left, his face betraying nothing he felt Inside.


"Do you want these people to get snowed in?"

Gina shrugged her shoulders. "Yeesh coach! Chill-o!"

"Gina, stop WASTING time and get on the floor. And tell EMILY to bloody get her act together!"

Gina rolled her eyes as she took two steps at a time to the floor where everyone had gathered. The AC was working perfectly and all the gymnasts were seated, giggling, whispering and exchanging glances as they spotted Sasha, Summer and Mrs. Keeler walk to the mat at the centre.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to our Pre-Christmas minimeet. The elite gymnast girls will be showcasing their choreography today for their floor routines. As you all know, our girls have been busy working to get their routines right, and they need all your support for their hardwork. On that note, please help me welcome our contestants!"

Sasha proceeded to call the names out as the girls joined him, Gina, and the four assistant coaches on the mat. She quickly located Emily and headed to her. "Emily, I have watched you progress from the very first day you came here, and today I not only see a gymnast who will be in Rio in 2016, but also someone who is a strong, free, beautiful and independent role model not only to the kids but to me too. Emily Kmetko, you inspire me, and I know that you've been going through a rough patch, and you're doubting yourself but... you shouldn't anymore. This is your moment. You've worked so hard for this, and you deserve all this and more. So, please hit that mat with all you got. Okay?"

Emily smiled before kissing Gina on the cheek. "Thanks Gia. Can I call you that?"

"Yup," Gina said as she tried to keep herself calm. She thought back to Max who used to call her that, and she swallowed before speaking, while wearing a dazzling smile, "you can call me anything you wanna. Just go kick major booty. Okay?!"

As Emily ran off to the other corner, Gina turned and smiled at Sasha who nodded. He was looking very serious and Gina knew it was because of Kerem who, at the moment, was sitting a few feet ahead of her and his eyes were trained on her. Gina could actually feel him staring and all she really wanted to do was tell him to stop.

It didn't matter if she once really liked him. Her heart belonged to only one man, and she couldn't wait to see him in the coming week.

The music started and Gina headed over to where her sister sat with some of her male friends, including Austin Tucker who was making googly eyes at Kailey who was listening to Sasha.

"Heard Sasha yelling at Kerem," Henna pointed out.

"You did?! I didn't know he could be that loud!"

"Me too," Henna seconded. "Why was he even there?"

Gina rolled her eyes. "I don't know, and I don't even care to know."

"Why?" Henna asked. "You know, you two were so cute together, and I don't believe that 'the distance killed us' story you tell everyone."

"That's the truth Henna."

"No it aint. You'll tell me or I will get it out of him. Oh, Sasha wants you. Go on darling!" She said the last part out loud with a mock British accent, making Sasha turn to look, along with a few other people.

"Ugh Henna. I'm going. Please stay outta trouble! Oooh, it is Emily's turn. Gotta go!" Gina excitedly ran off to go help Sasha. Henna meanwhile eyed Kerem who stared back coldly before he directed his eyes to the floor.

At that moment, she decided she would find out what Kerem and her sister were hiding from her. Just incase I need to groom Zayn to be better than the Frost King.

"So cute and so damn muscular. I would eat him up like a..."

"Shut up Henna. TMI!"

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