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Zayn scanned the book infront of him. He knew he could do the equations with his eyes closed. However, she was at the back of his mind.

Gina had not come to school. It had been three days since the incident. Zayn had figured everything out. Apparently, Husseina had always liked Max, so when he decided to date Gina, she became his side dish. He could understand why she had never responded to his advances. It wasn't that he wasn't attractive. She had her eyes and heart set on someone else.

Unable to think, he decided not to balance the equation. He would figure it out at the end of the class.

"Malik, do you want to help us solve this equation?" Mr. Torres spoke. Zayn looked up, spotting Max scribbling in his book. Husseina turned to watch his progress to the chalkboard.

He wrote the equation out and stared at it for a full minute before turning to look at him. "I am sorry sir, my mind is unable to solve this."

"You mean you don't know?"

Zayn sighed, before turning back to face the equation. If Gina was around, she would want him to solve it.

He managed to balance the chemical equation and walked back to their table at the back. He knew that she would have approved.

"This is very correct Zayn! Max, pay attention!"

Class ended soon after and Zayn made his way to the music class. He was very good at music and hoped to be in the advanced music class by the start of the next academic year.

He spotted an angry Fiona at lunch and went to sit with her. Luckily for him, Niall and Tasha sat with her too. Hussein was nowhere to be seen.

"He tried to talk to her but she cursed and sent him away," Tasha supplied in a whisper when Niall went to get all of them sprite.

Zayn spent the afternoon in English literature class before the day ended. The next activity was co-curriculum: acapella. They would be meeting the dancers today to go through the first motions. They would sing while the dancers did their thing. From there, they would be taught a simple dance routine which they would practice with the dancers.

He got to the changing rooms and wore a pair of black sweats and a white t-shirt. He walked to the venue and almost had a heartattack when he caught a glimpse of Gina dancing. She was already covered in a light sheen of sweat. Before he could step himself, his feet made their way to her. He recognized Miss. King working the curvy dancer hard.

"Forward thrust... put those lovely hips to good use Gina!" She yelled as she tried to show her the choreography. Gina caught on immediately, before managing to start a complicated yet simple body twist kind of thing. She looked good on stage, Zayn had to admit. Her balance was good.

"Oh! Nice of you to join us Zayn! Come on, learn something before your colleagues come..."

"But I can't dance..." he began, but the beautiful lady had already grabbed his hand.

"Watch Gina closely," she advised. Gina went ahead to sink onto her feet first, before stretching her feet and managing to do a half cartwheel that propelled her to her feet. Then she lifted her hands, stood on her tiptoes, before stretching out her left leg behind her while stretching out her right hand. She looked so graceful, Zayn decided. She brought back her leg before she span in a circle then lifted her right leg and spun like a ballerina.

"What's that?" Zayn spoke when she stopped to take a break. Her eyes widened at seeing him.

"I haven't really decided. It is a combination of different styles. I'd like to teach you something simpler though."

"But I don't know how to..."

"Shut up Zayn. Have you ever tried to tap dance?"


"Have you?" She asked, her green eyes looking deep into his hazels. He shook his head. "How about shimmer? Pirrouet?"

"Heard of them," Zayn nodded. She proceeded to teach him. He loved how easy it was for him to pick that up.

"One other style. I call it Bolly Hip Thrust."

Zayn started to shake his head. "Come on!"

She giggled before showing him how to do some basic tap dancing. "Niall can teach you too."

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