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Henna groaned as her phone rang again. She hated it when that happened. Her head was killing her and her throat felt like it had sand in it.

She covered her head with one of the pillows just as Gina walked in and answered the phone. "Hi Mr. Belov! It's Gina, Henna's sister. Unfortunately she's indisposed right now, but I think I can make it to Boulder this weekend. I'll relay your message to her. Have a lovely day!"

Henna poked her head out as her sister hang up the phone. "Was it Coach?"

"Yes. He heard about your recent activities and he wants you to style up. After all, this is your last olympic cycle. So please stop binge drinking!"

"Don't you have school today?"

"Nope. School is closed for the weekend. And holidays."

"Did mum send you here to give me a lecture?"

"Nope, but I am not grounded and you still are until we leave for Boulder on Sunday."


"Mum and dad are coming too because we will be holidaying with the Maliks over Christmas."

Henna groaned before burying her head under the pillow. "I hate chirpy you."

"I love drunk you."


Zayn smiled as he knocked on the door of Gina's room. Ximena had gladly shown him In five minutes ago, keeping him from freezing his bum any longer than it was necessary. She had settled him by the fire and chattered about the joint family vacation before letting him go up to Gina dearest when she had fed him her world famous cinnamon cookies.

"Come in!" Gina called from the other side of the door and Zayn walked in smiling at her as she hummed along to some song playing on the radio by Taylor Swift.

"Hey pretty!" He called, and she turned, smiling as she ran to hug him.


He loved how she said his name. He loved her smile, and he loved her... alot. He held on longer than necessary before she pulled away.

"Your mum sent me up to say hello."

"You came to finalize the travel details of our trip, didn't you?"

"Yup, I did!" He popped the 'p' as he spoke, before looking around, noticing that she was packing. "Are you traveling or something?"

"Yeah. I have some training I have to give. By training I mean dance choreography. For a friend."

"Do I know this friend?" Zayn asked, feeling jealous. He tried to hide it as he added another question. "How old is this friend?"

"Like thirty now. He is Henna's gymnastics coach. He called me because he needs me to train a few of his elite girls. Put together some choreography for their floor routines."

Zayn smiled. "You are getting pretty popular with this dance thing you got going on, did you know that?"

Gina merely smiled before dancing over to her wardrobe and grabbing two pairs of ballet flats. Zayn followed, and she walked right into him. They both blushed as she apologized and he moved to check out her window bed-seat furniture.

"It is beautiful outside," Zayn noted as he watched the snow fall. "The snow makes a beautiful back drop you know."

Gina nodded as she dug up her snowboarding equipment and warm clothes. "Yeah, but the Rockies and Appalachians are way more beautiful in winter. It is amazing, come to think about it. You know? Maybe this year you can come to my sister's gym and watch their winter special meet with Denver Elite."

"You are so excited to go to The Rock, aren't you?"

Gina blushed before looking up at Zayn. "Am I that obvious?"

Zayn grinned. "As obvious as the city's Christmas tree."


"We're going out!"

"Can I come?" Henna called after Gina and Zayn.

"Sit your pretty bum back on that sofa young lady!" Ximena scolded as they continued to watch an ongoing gymnastics competition between China and Spain.

Zayn smiled as Gina did a fist bump and pulled the front door shut behind them. They walked down the steps, past the front yard and into the street that led both to schooland the coffee shop at the juntion.

Gina's hair was undone under her hat and it kept her ears warm. Zayn had a beanie on and a scarf wrapped upto his chin to keep the cold out. They both hurried down the street, careful to avoid slipping on the sidewalk.

It wasn't long before they were standing outside the shop. Zayn opened the door for her and he got In as soon as she had smiled back at him thankfully.

"I think I'll have a cappuccino. What about you?" He asked as the waitress took their order.

"A capucchino too, thanks."

"Do you want anything with your coffee?" The waitress asked as she scribbled on her notepad.

"Pie. I'd like apple, but Zayn will have pecan. Thanks Steph."

They received their coffee soon enough, and they gladly sipped the hot beverage before sighing in unison.

"You never answered my question," Zayn pointed out as Gina squirmed under his Intense stare.

"What was the question?"

"Can we go for a date?"

Gina blushed and hid her bashfulness behind the mug as she took a sip. Zayn grinned at her. "Is that a yes?"

She nodded just as their pies were placed infront of them. Zayn forgot about teasing her when he took the first bite. The pie was delicious.

For once he was glad someone else ordered him food. That was a bloody good choice.


"That was good pie."

"Great pie," Zayn corrected. "Almost as good as my mum's!"

The two were back at Gina's and had just put a movie into her dvd player.

"They make the best pies in New York."

Zayn grinned, before noticing that she had some ice cream on her upper lip. "You have something on your lip."

"Where?" She asked, and he gestured at her lip. She tried getting it off, but she still left some. Zayn reached forward and wiped it, then he unconsciously licked it off his finger as Gina watched him. She bit her lower lip and Zayn noticed it. He drew closer and whispered quietly, his heart beating so loud that he feared she could hear.

"There's some on your lower lip too."

She licked her lip and Zayn looked between her eyes and lips before going in for the kill. Gina sat still, her heart beating a frenzy tattoo as she saw him get closer and closer. He wanted to kiss her, probably just as much as she wanted to do that to him.

They were mere millimeters from each other when Henna threw the door open.

GinaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant