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I kinda need a hero,
Is it you?

Zayn walked down the corridor looking for Gina. He spotted her at her locker, about half of her body being stuck inside it as she searched for books. Or something.

"Hey Gina!" He called as he stood next to her. She jumped and bumped her head before hissing out in pain. He giggled as she withdrew her body from the locker's clutches.

"Zayn! Hey!" She said happily before her eyes widened and she reached for her phone, shutting the keypad and screen. Was she hiding something?

"Was on my way to homeroom when I saw you. Decided to stop by and say "hey" and maybe walk you to class?"

A few students passed by and said hi. They both replied before his attention focused back on her. She was now hiding her phone in her jacket.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just putting away my phone incase I'm not careful and it falls."

"Or gets stolen. Huh?"

"That too."

"Do you have a passcode for your screen?"

She looked at him fishily. "Why are you asking me all these questions? What have I done to warrant this?"


"Have a nice day!" She yelled before turning and going, but not before slamming her locker door shut. Then she matched off in the opposite direction.

"Homeroom is this way," he called as he pointed in the right direction. She did an about turn and headed back in his direction. When she passed by, he whispered, "I love you too Gina." She huffed and dashed off, leaving him smiling as he looked down on her phone.

That was way too easy!


It had been an hour since he took her phone away and she still hadn't noticed it. He didn't want to hack it. He knew she'd be angry, plus he didn't see the point of doing that. Everyone liked privacy. He just wanted to find out why she was so nervous around him.

At breaktime, she discovered her phone was missing. Zayn still had it and it kept vibrating. She kept getting texts and he thought that was weird. Eventually, he couldn't take it and went in search of her at lunch hour.

He found her with Fiona and Hussein. Poor girl couldn't eat! He smiled on realizing that she was obsessed with her phone.

"I know you're missing something," he began, before laying it in front of her.

"My phone!" She exclaimed. "I must have had lots of messages!" She got about to opening her scren and blushed when she saw the last page she was looking at pop up. Zayn saw Fiona's eyes widen before he saw her pretend she never saw it.

It was at that moment that Fiona got a text and she raised an eyebrow. She looked around before putting her phone away.

"Where did you find my phone?" Gina finally asked.

"I took it," Zayn said while smiling. Her eyes widened before she grabbed his collar and pulled him to her.


"Chill Gina."


He managed to get loose from her grip and he cleared his throat. "I wanted to know why you acted weird in the morning."

"So you took my phone?"

"Yes. But not to look at it. I wanted to know if it had something to do with it. I found out that it did. So, what did you have on your browser page?"

Gina's eyes weighed his facial expression before she opened her mouth. "I was looking at underwear on an online lingerie store. Wasn't I Feefee?"

"Sure. Some of them look too good to not be worn. Apparently the edible thongs..."

"Shut up!" Hussein spoke up. "Are you trying to kill me Feefee?! Yeesh!"

Zayn had to laugh. That was pretty good then. Lingerie. He found himself imagining Gina in ling...- why would he even- never mind!

"I have to go," he replied and left. This was too much to handle.


Gina's day was over, with a very intense dance class with Miss. King who was still in awe of her performance. It had been over a week and everyone in school was still congratulating her.

"You do know that you can balance Dance and Music, right?" She proposed.

"I'm still thinking about it Miss. King. It's a hard choice to make. I don't know what I want more... dance... or music."

Miss. King smiled at her. "You can start with Acapella. They still do both. André seems to be doing just fine too. You should talk to him."

Gina nodded before ending the conversation with a hug. They parted ways and she took a warm shower before going to dress up and going home.

She had just made it out of school when she saw Zayn running after her. It was pretty cold outside and she stopped to let him catch up.

"You are still around?"

"Yeah. Just came from practice. What about you?"

"Practice." Zayn led her off into a nearby coffee shop and they both sighed at the warm air that greeted them. They sat at a chair and they exchanged looks of gratitude as they awaited service. It wasn't long before a waitress came.

"Good evening. How may I help you?" The waitress asked as she scribbled in her notebook.

"Two mugs of hot chocolate and two muffins please," Zayn spoke as she smiled. The waitress left them and he turned to her.

"I hope you still like me."

"Why would you say that?" Gina queried.

Zayn took a deep breath before speaking. "I know you and Joe had an incredible date..."

"Is this about Joe?!" She giggled. "ZEE! ARE You JEALOUS?!"

Zayn looked away. "Not fair. Come on! Of course I was a little insecure. Joe asked you to accompany him to a charity ball. As a high profile guy, you enjoyed a beautiful night with him..."

"Joe did not dance. He was not my hero. You are. So stop being insecure, and next time you steal my phone, I will hurt you. Got it?"

Zayn was still stuck on hero, but he nodded his head. She had just reassured him that she still liked him. 

"Thanks Gina."

"Don't thank me. Thank your happy feet."

That's how Zayn's mood changed from sad to happy on that winter evening in New York.

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