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Zayn knew his way around better than he had months ago, thanks to a certain girl sporting unruly brown black hair.

She was asleep on his bed. He stared at her, unable to tear his eyes away from her enthralling features.

All she did was dance.

Sometimes, like a few days ago, she sang. When she did, she sounded so good, it could make a grown man cry. He cried more than once at this.

"I never knew I could fall for anyone the way I fell for you," he muttered. "I am so crazy about you thàt it Is insane. I never knew I'd love you like this when we first met."

He smoothed back the frown on her face with his fingers. She turned to face him, her face barely inches from his.

"I know you think I am crazy... following Husseina around... maybe I still have feelings for her... and I have feelings for you, obviously, but I'll never tell it unless you admit you like me back from... from that day... remember that day in nursery school? When I asked you to marry me since you were the princess and I was the prince? I will always want you to say it again and again when we get together..."

She twitched a little and Zayn pulled the covers closer to her nose. She sighed happily.

"I will always want to be with you. Whether you like me back or not. We were always meant to be together. Zayn and Gina against the world... together, forever. Remember how we used to imagine we would have an indian wedding, and have two kids... one would be named Arya and the other Arjun if they both were boys..."

He smiled, feeling stupid. This was definitely uncool. Not a high point for him, he could admit.

Try as he could, he just COULD NOT shut up. He opened up his heart and mouth and unloaded what he really felt for his childhood best friend. He was an insomniac, and anytime he felt that way, he either wrote in his diary, sang or thought about Gina.

"You are the reason I stay awake all night sometimes because of you... your cornrows are beautiful, you are beautiful..."

And he muttered on and on about his feelings for her. Until he heard her speak up.


He stopped speaking, and looked at her. "Yes?"

"Go to sleep."


"Kids! Up!"

Zayn didn't hear Doniyah calling as he snored his way into Gina's heart.

She giggled at Doniyah's eyeroll. "Why does he do that?"

"Because he is Zayn?"

"He was up muttering stuff last night," Gina mentioned. "For a good while."

"What did you hear?"

"Nothing really. Just him speaking. I was too tired to hear clearly. But I remember hearing 'insomniac' somewhere."

"He does that alot. You know... you should wake him up."

Gina stared at Doniyah. "Nope!"

"If you do it, he won't hurt you. But if I do it... Dear Lord!" She looked skyward.

"Okay... I'll do it," Gina agreed quietly. "So, how do I do it?"

Doniyah giggled. "Use your old style."

"Won't I get in trouble?"


That's how, a few minutes later, after huffing and puffing, Gina found herself at the top of the stairs with a still sleeping Zayn whom she had managed to wrap into a burrito. She had needed Doniyah's help to push his heavy body to the top of the stairs.

"Are you ready?"

"I am when you are," Doniyah said while turning on her phone's camcorder. "Let's do this."

Gina rolled him off the blowup mattress and down the stairs. It wasn't long before they both heard him start to yell out in pain as he hit each stair hard.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Wahliyah ran to the stairs giggling but burst out laughing at the sight of her brother rolling down the stairs.

"No! Videos! For! Youtube!"

"Too late!" Wahliyah giggled as he reached the last step. He was still wrapped up like a burrito and started to tug at the blanket and sheet.

Then he tagged it wrong and continued rolling down the steps to the bottom.

"OUCH! Who did this?!"

Doniyah laughed out loud, before clicking 'save' and running away. Zayn struggled to get out of the duvet, sending angry looks at his sisters.

"I AM INNOCENT!" Safiyah yelled as she hugged him.

"I know you are. But one of the other..."

"It was me," Doniyah said quietly. Zayn drew his eyebrows together and refuted the claim.

"It wasn't me either. You know how much contentment I get from seeing you lying in a wet bed."

"Shut up Wahliyah! I am trying to... do we have to keep going over your weird obsession with wetting my bed?"

"Because you started it."

Gina watched from the door of the kitchen while smiling. He'd never know... would he?

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