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"What's with the ski mask?" Tasha asked Gina as they walked to Narnia. Tasha was craving some buffalo chicken wings and Gina wanted her usual.

"Zayn told me he gets the urge to kiss me anytime he sees my eyes."

Tasha started to giggle. "I'm with him on that."

Gina raised an eyebrow below her mask. "Please, do tell."

"Well, back in juniour high, Harry used to go on and on about this hot chic who was too curvy to be on the track team. We never believed him until he showed us the picture of you winning your qualifiers for Madison's. Then Niall and Liam were raving about you. And those eyes! And the lips! I used to get bored too. When you first came to Santana High, I saw what they were raving about was true. You, girl, are my woman crush every season of the year."

Gina's eyes were horrified under the ski-mask. "I just changed my mind."

"You'll take off the ski-mask? "



"To wear that ninja my cousin left last Eid."


"Wait, are you certain this happened?"

"Yes, Zayn admitted he wants to kiss her."

"Interesting. Thank you Tasha."

"You're welcome Husseina. Despite everything that happened, you've always been my friend. And I owe you."

"Yes you do."

Gina smiled as she watched Tasha on the phone. She wondered who was at the other end of the line.

Must be her mom.

She placed their orders before going to sit with Tasha and Zayn who walked in just as she finished paying.

"Hey, I placed an order of curly fries for you."

"Thanks," Zayn replied. He had expected her to blush or act weird but she was pretty normal. Zayn actually felt like the girl.

"So, what else have you two been up to?" Tasha winked at Zayn who raised an eyebrow.

"Too much coffee... TASHA!"

"What? No...!"

"I told you not to have coffee before coming here!" Gina said through her teeth. "Why didn't you listen?"

Thankfully for Zayn, the food came out right then and he dug in. He kept eating and refused to talk. Gina followed his technic, leaving Tasha to talk herself sore.

"You guys, isn't that Tsui?"

"What's a say-that-name-again?" Zayn asked.

"Sam. Sam Tsui. He's a senior. Gina used to like him! LOADS! She used to stare at him..."

"He's half Korean. I can't help it," Gina spoke up.

"I second her. He does look a little... different," Zayn said, eyeing the said guy. "He's a looker, isn't he?"

Gina and Tasha exchanged looks. Zayn was peculiar. Truly strange. Gina would never admit it, but she was glad Zayn saved her there. She knew Tasha was making fun of her.

"Wow, then Zayn, you and Gina have loads in common. You should totally date!"

Gina and Zayn exchanged looks before she pulled down her ski mask, then pulled it up to stuff more food into her mouth. Zayn excused himself to go get a drink.

"Why did you do that?!" Gina hissed.

"He likes you. Go for it!"


"Don't tell me you still have feelings for Max...?"

Gina looked at Tasha. "Why all these questions? Has someone put you up to this? Is it Husseina?"

Tasha giggled. "Yeesh! Can't a girl just have fun without it leading to an enquiry about Husseina?!"

Gina got up. "I've lost my appetite. I'm heading home."


"See you tomorrow Tasha."

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