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Let's rearrange.
I wish you were a stranger I could disengage.

Gina had this feeling that something was not right. Fiona had been silent on the phone. Which was queer. She was always so bubbly.

Did something happen?

Unable to shake off her fear, she called Louis and asked him to bring Harry or Liam with him. Louis chose to bring them both.

Despite how much she wanted to call Zayn, she shoved the huge idea to the side and dashed to Fiona's house. She got there at the same time Louis did.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Louis. Let me get the key though." She shuffled through her keys and found the one she was looking for. She shoved that into the keyhole and turned. The door opened and the four of them stepped over the threshold quietly.

"Okay, guys, I want each of you ready to attack the thieves. Harry, go left, Liam check the right. Gina, come with me upstairs. All set? Go!"

The boys spread out and Gina led Louis to Fiona's room. The lights were on, and Gina announced  herself before throwing the door open. They found Fiona on the floor, blacked out.

Gina rushed to her quickly and started to check for broken bones before she raised her legs and made her lie flat on her back. Louis, meanwhile, checked all the rooms and came back.

"All clear," he said quietly.

"All clear downstairs," Liam said as him and Harry entered. "What happened to her?" He rushed to Fiona's side as Gina attended to her. Harry watched Gina, as usual. He loved looking at her as she went about doing things and putting away the fallen items.

Louis, meanwhile, was eyeing up her movie collection. He smiled at the movie choices and nodded at some. She liked horror movies, but enjoyed a good chic flick once in a while.


Fiona was awake. Gina rushed to her and hugged her. The boys all turned to look at her. "Fi, I'm here, okay?"

Fiona nodded, holding on tightly to her friend. She was scared, horrified even. Could that guy be messing with her? She didn't know. All she knew was that she wished her mind would open up by itself.

"I think we should go," Liam announced. Louis and Harry nodded, realizing that the girls needed some time alone. Gina mouthed a 'thank you' to them and they all nodded and left. Fiona's chest was heaving as she had a panic attack.

"I'm here Fiona," she said, hugging her closely. "I'm here baby!"

She took a while to relax and Gima smiled at her. "Thank you Gina."

"You are welcome. Hey, what happened?"

Fiona sighed. "A text happened."

Gina raised an eyebrow. "A text happened? Who have you been texting?"

"Unknown. He is unknown. I don't even know if it is a 'he' or a 'she.' Bottom line, it spooked me."

Gina went ahead to pick up the phone. She brought it to Fiona who smiled a 'thank you' to her. They went through all the messages and Gina managed to come up with a few people she suspected to have sent her the messages.

"Did you really... you know..."

"I don't know Gina. I can't remember anything!"

"Do you think that maybe this someone might remember EVERYTHING you did with him?"

Fiona sighed. "Probably."

"Do you think you are a virgin?"

"I don't think I am... anymore...?" She said. "I am scared Gina, I really am. When did this happen? Was it after I lost my post as captain? Was it when I lost my mean? Was it when I lost my squad?! When was it?!"

Gina calmed her down, eventually. It took a while but she did it. The young ladies finally got through it all and Gina slept over after telling her parents. Then she made them both hot chocolate and placed marshmallows on them. She ordered a pizza and they had some before going to bed.


To Fiona
I'll make you mine and you'll never be anyone else's. You're mine

To Fiona
You are my everything.

To Fiona
I want you.

To Fiona
Tell anyone else this and your dirtiest secrets go on display.

From Fiona
I'll find out who you are, and the day I do, I'll make you pay. My lawyers will crush your perverted head so much that you'll cry. Good night.

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