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"She found out."

Husseina and Max could still hear Hussein's sharp yell when he came to gym that day.

It had since been termed, "The Incident" because that's the one time Gina lost her cool and almost hurt Husseina, her bestfriend of two years now.

Hussein had spent every minute of the first week checking his phone for voicemails, texts and missed calls when he wasn't calling or texting Fiona. He eventually withdrew to himself, and started to slack on basketball. Good thing Liam stepped in to help him re-direct his growing anger in the right direction.

Zayn had stopped dropping by as much, instead preferring to be friends with Niall and the other guys that hang out with him. Harry was almost always on his phone though, probably texting Gina about what was happening.

Rumours were spreading that Gina wanted to change schools. Husseina didn't know what to say. She felt guilty though, and she even contemplated sending a fruit basket to her. However, she remembered that Gina would send them right back, probably as fruit salad, with the pits and stones and a note telling her to "take the fruit and shove it."

Despite both her and Max's guiltiness, they decided to wait and see if Gina would be back.

And wait they did.

It was in the middle of the second week, on the 11th day since The Incident, that Gina made an appearance. She looked her usual self; two cornrows on her head, loose top, skinnies and... boots which looked pretty worn out. Then she turned around and Husseina gasped.

Gina had gone emo!


"I hate mascara," Gina complained. Zayn eyed her with a smile.

"Shut up!" Fiona whispered. "Okay, remember the plan?"

"How can I not?" Gina sighed. "I wanna go sit."

"Whoa! Hey new girl! You are hot! Here's my number! Call me!" Sam Tsui called as he walked past with Tom Parker.

"Beat it Samuel!" Gina said in her best gangster tone, one she had used a little too many times on him. He widened his eyes and ran, vanishing from sight before he peeked from round a corner at her.

"Beat it Sam! And don't you do a cover of the song when we are done here!"

Zayn was in stitches as a red faced Niall fell on his back laughing. It was hilarious really. Till when the warning bell sounded and they had to get Niall and Zayn on their feet (yes, Zayn collapsed on the floor too). Which was not easy, but they managed it.

She walked in and the class went quiet. She could feel everyone staring at her. This was homeroom and she was already attracting too much attention. She looked away from Hussein and sat next to Fiona. Zayn sat infront of her, while Niall sat next to Zayn but infront of Fiona.

She could feel all eyes on her, and she couldn't help snapping. "What?! Never seen a girl wear make-up before?!"

There was silence before someone replied. "Never seen you wear make-up before."

Gina looked in the direction of the voice and saw Husseina seated with Max. They were being cuddly. She did not like Max anymore but she felt betrayed by her best friend. Or former best friend.

"That's because you have never been betrayed."

"Sorry," Max spoke up, trying to be smart. Gina looked his way angrily.

"Shut up Max."

"I won't. All I ever did was try to love you."

"Key word: try. Then you found out I wasn't enough and you cheated."

"I said I was..."

"Shut up Max. No one likes you," Tasha suddenly spoke up.

"This is not your problem Tasha, back off," Husseina said while glaring at her.

"It became my problem the moment you hurt Fiona. So, stop acting self-righteous over there and tell the world the truth about your role in this."

Husseina looked at Gina who was holding Fiona's hand. She then saw Hussein's look of disapproval. He wanted her to apologize.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She looked away just as Miss. King came in smiling.

"Good morning class."


Gina had wiped off the last of the make-up by the time it was lunch. She had washed her face and she felt more refreshed having nothing on her skin.

"You can feel your skin breathing now, huh?" Niall teased.

"Absolutely!" She said. Zayn watched her, his eyes unable to leave her for even a second. She was beautiful in every way, he decided, and he wanted her to look back at him even once.

"Zayn, you coming?" She asked. He got out of his daydream and followed Gina quite happily. She didn't see that of course. She was trying to convince Fiona to take Hussein back.

"He was being a brother to her first," she reasoned. "You can't ignore that situation, can you?"

"But you got hurt."

"I got hurt by Husseina, not her brother. I know why he was protecting her. No one ever wants their sibling, twin or not, to be in danger."

Fiona rolled her eyes. "Still angry."

"I know. But Hussein is not at fault, his sister is."

"I hate it when you are right."

"I know."

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. It wasn't long before it was time for the co-curricular activities. Zayn found himself paired off with Gina. She was patient and kind, pointing out how to turn, when to step back and pushing him to take certain steps.

He could feel sparks fly at the places she touched. He tried to hide it, but he gasped at times and she couldn't help thinking he was in pain.

"Zayn, are you okay?" She asked as she touched his shoulder. He gasped and she stepped away. "Sorry!"

"No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

He looked at her, smiling when he realized she was wearing her glasses instead. Her eyes were almost like his, but a little more like they were golden too. He could feel himself falling into them and he didn't mind at all.



"I'll see you tomorrow after lunch. Yeah?"

He nodded. He couldn't help looking forward to seeing her again.

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