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I fall my armour down,
And leave the battle ground,
For the final time.
Now I, I know,
I'm running from a warzone.

Gina's eyes blinked, adjusting to the sudden brightness.

"Beck! Why did you turn on the lights?!" She said loudly as she realized that what she thought were people were actually pillows!

"They aren't here?!"

"No, they aren't! Where did James take her?"

Beck shrugged his shoulders. They looked around before going back downstairs. Beck swore he saw James dragging Fiona upstairs.

Back at the party, Fiona and James were still absent, and as Gina looked around, she noticed that Hussein really was absent. Zayn had gotten back and he was looking angry. Gina wondered why. It didn't take long before she saw why: Max and his friends were on stage.

"Zayn? What's up?"

Zayn looked positively angry when he spoke. "It is Max."

"Max is an ass," Beck said lazily.

"I agree," Louis popped up nearby with Niall and Tasha and Eleanor. "But he's dedicating that song to you."

Gina listened as the five boys sang and her face twisted. She felt enraged. She watched Max's smirk and wanted to kill him.

How could he?! He was using...

"My song!"

"What?" Beck asked in surprise.

"That's my song!"

Zayn caught on and he gasped. He knew she wouldn't be cheating. They had written songs together when they were kids, so she wouldn't be lying if she said it was hers.

There was no way they were going to use HER song and not give her ANY credit! NO WAY!

Yet the song went on... and Zayn got an idea. His eyes lit up and he prepared to sing his loudest yet.

But I, I know, I just gotta let it go
I, I, I should have known...

"That you were such a lying prick!" Zayn harmonized, making everyone but Gina laugh. She turned to look at him and he shruggrd his shoulders.

Zayn's singing outburst had caught the ears of his friends who brought themselves closer. Beck was only too happy to tell them why Zayn did that. The song went on as they plotted how to monopolise it and ruin it completely, but only after Gina gave the go-ahead.

Everywhere I walk I see your face.
Tried to erase the memory with the fame,
And hope I'll never see you again.
Standing here in this burning room,
You know the end could never come so soon,
It's clear to me that the lies you used
The ones that killed me aint hurting you

So I, I, I know
I just gotta let it go.
And I, I, I should have known...

Gina felt tears running down her face as Max smiled at her with a satisfied look on his face. He knew that he was hurting her. Why couldn't he stop? Why?!

Nathan was playing the keyboard as he watched the spectacle and wondered why there was such a look on his best friend's face.

"That I was such a mean prick!" Harry harmonized, making even more people in the crowd laugh.

"She fell her armour down, kicked me in the balls, and left with her intact crown," Niall sang loudly, making even more people laugh.

Now I, I, I know

"I'm surely some big shit!" Louis sang and him and Harry high-fived each other as Max got angry and threw an evil look and a mic in their direction.

"It's working!" Niall cheered,  picking it up and tapping excitedly as the rest laughed. Louis took it first and sang quite loudly.


"Always such a big cheat! I'm always such a big shit, I'm known for being a big cheat!" The five lads sang together, overpowering the band on stage. People were laughing so hard, but the guys weren't  anymore. Max stared at them angrily but even that didn't break their resolve to defend Gina.

"You always knew you were shit!" Niall called.

"So you stole her song, jumped up on a stage," Liam sang.

"And tried to break her heart," Beck sang.

"But you, you, you always were," Zayn and Harry sang together while glaring at Max.

"A big pile of shit!" Louis sang, getting harmonization from Harry, Zayn and Beck.

The audience clapped, and Gina giggled as Max stormed off the stage. The rest of his band followed, leaving Nathan who had long stopped playing once he realized something was wrong.

"Whoa, that was hilarious!" Joe came up talking. "Who else found that funny?"

Everyone laughed. Joe then introduced Nathan who started to play his own composition. People began to dance as he belted out words in retro version.

However, a certain girl was smiling at him thankfully as he played. He winked at her and nodded at her thankful face.

He'd do anything for Gina.

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