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Gina knew something was wrong when she saw Zayn standing at her locker. He was holding a tablet, and he looked thoughtful. A lot of girls were walking past him while smiling and fluttering their eyes at him.

Was he angry at her?

Did he regret spending time with her the previous day?

Was something bothering him?

She knew she didn't hate him anymore. If anything, her heart kind of beat for him.

There's something wrong with me. He looks so handsome and I am dying inside.


"Gina, hey."

"What's up?"

He looked up and smiled a little weird. It didn't reach his eyes. She found herself realizing she knew it was his angry smile.

"Is there something you wanna tell me?" He asked.

She raised her eyebrows, and shrugged her shoulders. "Nope, nothing I can tell you about. Except the icecream was on point."

He cocked his head to the side. "What about any secret you are keeping?"

"Should I bring out friendship bracelets now?"

"Could you quit being sarcastic?"

"Could you quit acting like my boyfriend?"

Zayn sighed. "I know you can sing, Gina."

She shook her head. "I don't know what you are talking about," she said while pulling her locker's door open.

"There are videos of you singing. On YouTube. You are really good at singing and I think someday you'll be a kick-ass rockstar."

"I don't sing Zayn. You must have me confused with someone else."

"We need you Gina. Please, we really do! This showcase is important to both our clubs. For the love of all you deem important, please help us."

"Zayn, leave me alone."


"GO AWAY!" She yelled and slammed the door of her locker shut. "YOU DON'T GET IT, DO YOU? I DON'T WANT TO DO IT, AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!"

The hallway went silent as everyone turned to look at a departing Gina and a shocked Zayn. They parted from her way to avoid getting yelled at. Zayn stood paralysed, watching her go. He couldn't believe that things had gone awry that fast.

From her locker, Husseina smiled. Everything was going perfectly well... almost too well. She giggled. "I've got you right where I wanna Gina. Exactly where I wanna have you."


"Miss. King, I want to withdraw from the showcase!"

Miss. King looked up. "Why?"

Gina looked away. "I am not feeling well."

"But your mum called to tell me she updated your shots recently."

"I sprained my ankle."

"Are you lying to me Gina?"

"I'm not."

"What if you are? Do you want to miss the showcase like last year? You weren't happy about it. You couldn't stop crying. So, no. I refuse to withdraw you from the showcase."

Gina wanted to cry. She actually started to sniffle. "You have to Miss. King because I can't... I just can't bring myself to be there."

"Has it got something to do with Jade? Did she bully you?" The lady asked, worried about her star dancer.

"Wait... Jade bullies people?!"

"Not important. I'm still not withdrawing you. Whatever is eating into you, please try find a way to solve this problem."

Being turned down hurt, but it hurt Gina more to keep the truth from Miss. King.

So, sadly, she turned on her heel and walked away.

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