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Texting thread. :-) between Gina and Fiona (Fi).

To Fiona
Swee, I can't sleep.

From Fiona
Why Gina?

To Fiona
Because I can't stop thinking about HIM.

To Fiona
How did it go with Hussein?

From Fiona
Husse and I are fine. We are back together. Seeing him outside, standing beneath the fir, it brought back memories...

To Fiona
Aww! So you guys kissed and made up?

From Fiona
You do know how Husse and I are. No kissing. We just hugged, sat under the tree and ate lotsa foods.

From Fiona
You were talking about HIM. What happened? Why can't we say his name?

To Fiona
Incase someone finds this phone.

From Fiona

To Fiona
Shut up!

From Fiona
So? What did HE say?

To Fiona
That I am kissable?

From Fiona
Whaaat?! Yaaay!

To Fiona
It still doesn't mean anything.

From Fiona
So what compliment did you give him?

To Fiona
I didn't.

From Fiona
Speak the truth swee. Or else...

To Fiona
...Or else the veritaserum might just slip into your pumpkin juice...

To Fiona
I hate you :-D

From Fiona

To Fiona
What does that even mean?

From Fiona
I'm crying buckets?

To Fiona
Good night then.

From Fiona

From Fiona
Not fair

From Fiona
Fine, you delicious piece of ass. Keep being like that.

From Fiona
Have horrible horrible horrible nightmares!

To Fiona
Like I care! :-P

From Fiona
Why you do me like this nah?! You been up when imma been spamming!?

To Fiona
I told him I thought he was cute.

From Fiona
Exact words please.

To Fiona
I told him he was a sight for sore eyes. He replied with "you have beautiful eyes and you make me wanna kiss you anytime you look at me."

From Fiona
That's a confession alright.

To Fiona
Hahahah! Everyone thinks I have beautiful eyes.

From Fiona
Yeah. They look golden. But aren't.

To Fiona
They're amber.

From Fiona

To Fiona
Yes. Amber. Not golden brown.

From Fiona
But aren't they...

To Fiona
That sounds like onions that are changing colour in the pan. Very delicious. My eyes are not delicious.

From Fiona
But Zayn is!

From Fiona
Sorry...! Just had to...!

To Fiona

To Fiona
What will I even do with you?!


Texting thread between Gina and Max

From Max
You're so beautiful.

From Max
I still love you.

From Max
Do you still love me?

From Max
I dreamt about you last night.

From Max
Do you ever dream about me?

From Max
Are you seeing someone else?

From Max
I'm the only man for you.

To Max
First of all, you aren't a man. Second, it's not your business if I am seeing someone. Third, leave me alone.

From Max
You and I are meant for each other!

From Max
I know you miss me!

From Max
You still have feelings for me! Let me back in Gia. You know I love you.

From Max
You still dream about me, don't you.

From Max
I'll wait for you baby. :-)


Texting thread between Gina and Harry.

To Gina
Can we dance?

From Gina

To Gina
Are you for real?!

From Gina
Harry, you need help! :-D

To Gina
So, I can crash practice today? Come watch you dance with Zayn? Then ask to dance with you later?

From Gina
Sure Harry. Come dance.

To Gina


Texting thread between Harry and Louis.

From Louis
Movie night?

To Louis
Sure big bro. Bring the chips.
From Louis
You mean the crisps?

To Louis
Those too.

From Louis
What food are you bringing?

To Louis

From Louis


From Niall
Gina, I'm hungry!

To Niall
You can't eat right before practice!

From Niall
:-( :'( :-/

To Niall
Sorry buddy.

From Niall
*sigh* the things I do 4 music.


From Husseina

To Husseina
Who's this?

From Husseina
It's Sienna.

To Husseina

From Husseina
Forgive me. I am sorry. I love Max, and you. I never wanted to hurt you. I am sorry...

From Husseina
I am sorry for betraying you.

From Husseina
You can block me now.

To Husseina
That sounds like a splendid idea!


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