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York High won by a mere one pointer basket. The buzzer made it two and the Santana team sighed collectively. They would still be proceeding to the next stage, luckily because they were ranked number two.

Fiona was just leaving the gym when a guy from the York basketball team approached her.

"Hey," he said conversationally.


"You're the gymnast, right?"

She nodded, fiddling with her jacket zipper. He noticed that.

"Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be nervous?"

"Because you're talking to me?"

"I don't know you."

He smiled. He was quite attractive, she knew. However, he wasn't Hussein.

"But you will. Someday. See you later," he winked, then ran off. Fiona watched him then turned to see Hussein standing a few feet away, watching.

Oh shoot!

Why was she shocked? Why was her body tense?

She expected him to say something but he turned and walked away. She wanted to run after him but then she remembered he didn't believe her last time.

She was thinking it was his loss but she knew it was her loss too. She couldn't help wishing the break-up never happened. Even then, maybe it was time for something new... something different. Something with someone like...

"Hey babe. What do you say we get out of here and go have our very own party?" Oh no, NOT him!


Most definitely NOTHING with James.

"I love how you say my name. Your accent just turns me on!" He whispered while moving closer. His hand made to grab her backside but that was never meant to happen.

"Get away from her you perve!"

He turned, his eyes narrowing at Tasha who stood there with Gina. He snorted, his eyes directed at Gina. "So the lesbian comes to the rescue!"

Gina was so offended, she literally wanted to punch him in the jaw and kick him in his balls. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH JAMES?!

"Well, at least she likes it when I touch her," Gina said, looking James in the eye. He gasped, having not expected that line of attack. He turned to Tasha who gave him a look. She clearly did not support his actions. Now he realized he had gone a little too far.

He didn't say that though. "You will pay!" He told Gina and Tasha. Then he turned to the beautiful Fiona Shay. "You'll be mine!"

The three girls exchanged looks before hugging each other. James was a weirdo and they feared for how close he was getting to Fiona.

"Hey sweetie, it'll be okay. Yeah?" Gina told her best friend. Tasha took Fiona's bag and the three girls left the gym together.


Zayn ran to Hussein and punched him in the face.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"Did you really think I wouldn't realize that you broke up with Fiona?!"

Hussein looked down. "Zayn, just leave it be. She and I are not meant for each other."

"Is that why you broke up? Or is there something else?"

Hussein sighed. "I don't know if you've heard the rumour."

"Which rumour?"

"About Fiona and some musician guy. They hooked up during the Battle of The Bands."

Zayn wanted to pretend he had heard it but he really hadn't. So he shook his head.

"Well, rumour has it that Fiona and some guy left the party. She was so high she could barely see where she was going. She went missing for a number of days. Apparently she was just hooking up and getting high. Anyway, she showed up a week later and I asked her and she told me she had no idea what happened. All she could remember was waking up with fishy marks all over her body so she didn't come to school for a while."

"So you broke up with her."

"She lied to me. She said she had club soda. Club soda doesn't make anyone high. Unless she spiked her drink."

"Or unless she got spiked," Zayn pointed out.

"She loves getting high."

"So you refuse to believe your girlfriend and deny her the benefit of doubt because of some silly rumour? Wow Hussein! No wonder you are in such a fulfilling relationship!"

Hussein groaned. "Your sarcasm gives me a headache!"

"I'm British. What do you expect?"



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