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Texting thread between Husseina and Fiona.

To Fiona
Hi Fina.

From Fiona
Shut up Husseina. None of us like you anymore.

To Fiona

From Fiona
Like I care.

To Fiona
I am truly sorry.


So I'm following the map that leads to you
Aint nothing I can do.
The map that leads to you.
Following, following following to you.

Gina sighed as she finished scribbling her homework down. She tossed her books to the side once she was done. She picked up her phone, checking the time.

"It's pretty late. I should get to bed now," she said as she cleared her bed. She then eyed her untidy cornrows and decided she would wash her hair when she woke up the next morning.

She could hear the sounds of crickets chirping. It was almost midnight. She knew she ought to be in bed sooner than later. However, she decided to go get some water to drink.

Once she was done quenching her thirst, she made her way back up the stairs. Then she got into her bed after shutting the bedroom door after checking for the boogie man under her bed.


What was that?

Why was she standing in Madison Square Garden with a microphone?

No one knew she could sing... right?

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" Zayn asked. He looked upset, and betrayed. "You lied!"

"No, I omitted."

"You still lied."


"Never having met me before."


"Weren't you in Britain during your kindergarten years? Bradford then London, yeah?"

She shook her head and started to run from the stage. The scenery changed into a meadow as she watched an angry Zayn come closer to her. She tried to back away but she hit a hedge.

"You and I... we share something."


"You felt it the other day at the garage. Admit it."

"No," she tried to move but her feet had refused to move. He kept coming closer. "You want me as much as I want you. Let's get together already."


"Say 'yes' Gina. Say 'yes' to Galik."

She was paralyzed as Zayn kissed her. She kissed back, feeling like that moment was perfection in itself.

"Is this real?"

"What do you think?" Zayn asked. His eyes twinkled mischievously. She couldn't leave. She didn't want to leave.


Gina sat up with her eyes wide open. What was happening?!

How could she dream about... Zayn? Of all people... him?!

"Why?! I can't... I can't be... it can't... but I... no...!"

Though she tried to go back to sleep, she couldn't. The dream made the rest of her night sleepless. She tossed and turned, all night, and fell asleep at dawn from the exhaustion of fear.

Why was she scared?

Why was she afraid?!


"Do you think he knows?"

"Umm, guessing by the state of your hair, he hasn't recognized you either. Your mum let you out looking like THIS?" Fiona asked, frowning distastefully at her. Tasha giggled as Niall and Nathan passed by.

"Bye girls!" She said and walked away. Gina sighed, looking at her best friend cautiously approaching her with a mirror and comb.

"Maybe I should go to the little girls' room. I can't go to homeroom looking like this."

"I'm coming with. We only have 30 minutes!"

"That's enough for me. Hustle! Hustle! Hustle!"

Twenty five minutes later, the two exited the bathroom only to crash into Zayn and Hussein.

Zayn and Gina toppled to the floor of the corridor. His eyes met hers over a mop of her tame bush. He grinned when she tried to get up, only realizing that her watch was stuck on his shirt.

"I'll get that," he said with a smile. Gina stared at him before suddenly freeing her watch from her wrist, and making a dash for it. While Zayn stared, Fiona and Hussein laughed and headed into class.

The bell rang just as the teacher on duty spotted Zayn. "Malik, isn't it?" He asked.


"Tardy. Detention again. Now go to class!"

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