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"To your left Zayn. I SAID LEFT!"

Zayn gasped and missed a step, managing to trip over his feet and fall down. His glossy hair was already turning stringy thanks to the sweating he was enduring quite well.

"I told you to the left!" Gina said, trying not to check him out as he lay on the floor of her parents' garage. He looked so good, it was almost sinful. His hazel eyes were gazing up at her. Their eyes met and held.

"You should get up," she said as she tore her gaze away. Just then, her mother walked in with warm milk, a plate of cookies and two glasses.

"Is Zayn still being awkward?"

Zayn blushed as she put the tray down. Gina's mum, Ximena Pablos Faraja was a professional dancer during her hey days. She had eventually retired to open her own dance school.

"You have to relax. Feel at ease, yeah? Take my hand."

"Mum! Don't..."

"I'd like us to do some tango. Yeah?" She smiled at her daughter. "Watch how he dances with me, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed with a mumble. "Okay." She changed the song to Shakira's 'She-Wolf' and watched her mother start the dance. Zayn was awkward at first, but managed to lose himself in the performance eventually.

"That's who I want to see! I know how you feel about dancing in front of people... but you are a performer. You have to," Gina pointed out once her mother had left the room.

"So, am I good dancer?"

Gina smiled. "If you do as I tell you, and shed that shyness, you can easily be better than me."

"Really?" Zayn asked in surprise. Gina shook her head and they moved to the compiled music for the showcase. She let the music play as they went through the steps. This time, he was more confident.

"Good job," Gina applauded. Then the song they would dance to for winter formal came on and she danced as Zayn watched. He sipped his milk and chewed on cookies. She soon paused the player and grabbed a towel she used to wipe off the sweat on her face.

"You're a great dancer."

She smiled at him. "Thanks. You aren't so bad either. You might be better than me."


"Well, not really, but you'll be a good performer."

Zayn grinned down at her, taking at her sweaty body with a smile. "I made you sweat."

"Huh," she smiled, "you did. Yet I am the teacher!"

His right hand reached out to push back a lock of hair that had escaped her cornrows. His hand then slid down to her cheek, tracing a path before his left hand touched the other side of her face. Gina shut her eyes and sighed to herself. She unconsciously leaned her face into his left hand.


Gina's eyes snapped open, and she moved away from Zayn. Clearing her throat, she moved to the other side of the room and started to move things around. "You are getting better."

"Thanks to you," Zayn replied. He walked towards her. Since she was giving him her back, she never noticed him walking to her. When she turned around, she almost had a heart attack. He was staring at her and he had blocked her way. He backed her onto the table before he spoke. "Do I make you nervous?"

"No," She replied, looking at him, then his lips. Zayn was slowly closing in on her. She could smell his scent, faintly of cologne and sweat. She liked it, and she liked seeing him sweaty. At that thought she blushed and Zayn noticed the slight colour change on her cheeks.

Zayn couldn't help moving closer. He knew that if he didn't go, he'd be unable to stop himself. He found her blushing adorable. It was beauty he couldn't help loving. He could tell she was nervous, so was he. Was he going to do it or not?

Her heart rate picked up, and her mind was yelling at her body to run but she was stuck. She thought he was going to kiss her, so she shut her eyes.

Zayn saw his chance and made his decision. He'd regret it later.

When she opened them again, he was gone.

Way to go Gia. Way to go!

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