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Gina hadn't slept.

How could she when she was torn between her ego and her conscience? They had argued as she lay in bed awake. Gina had prided herself in her expressions, but with Zayn, she realized that everything was different.

She never liked romance. However, Zayn was clearly making her reconsider it.

Stupid mind. Stupid heart.

Why couldn't everything be as simple as one times one?

Because that would not be life.

Her mind spoke like... well... a mind.

"Damn it!" She said to her reflection in the mirror before brushing her teeth, taking a shower and dressing up. She felt dead on her feet. Maybe her parents would let her stay in?

Eckert and Ximena were positively fuming at Henna and her hangover. They were busy giving her a lecture on her diet, her health, her contract, her age-but all that came to a pause when Gina was spotted.

Ximena gasped. Where had her beautiful daughter gone? In her place was a shell... her amber eyes had dark circles under them. Her skin was pale. She looked sick.

What happened last night?!

"Mi amor, what happened? You look awful!" Eckert spoke first as Ximena effectively got rid of Henna. The still drunk girl waddled off. If Gina wasn't so stressed she would have laughed at her sister.

A model waddling off... haha!

"Gina. Talk to us."

Oh but poor Gina did not want to talk. Henna being home was already a strain. She couldn't add to that now, could she?

"Nothing." She said before grabbing an apple and walking out. Her parents exchanged looks. She'd tell them when she felt the need to. She was so stubborn.

"Goodbye mum and dad!" They heard, before the front door slammed shut.


Gina forgot everything as soon as she saw Fiona. Zayn and Hussein were nowhere to be seen. Then again, they had come to school early.

Fiona gasped at Gina's face and immediately pulled her into the ladies. She applied foundation as she listened to Gina fuss over her. Fiona told her how Bandit was not keen on early mornings. Weird. She also told her that Buffy slept through her parents' arrival.

"Your parents are actually back?!" Gina cheered. Fiona rolled her eyes. She couldn't help it. Gina adored Mr. Fernandez and always said that his figure was quite well trimmed for a man his age.

"Your crush is starting to scare me!" Fiona teased. "I hope you won't end up being my step mom."

"I can't promise."

"Say what?!" Fiona fake gasped.

"I can't promise not to call him daddy."

Fiona burst out laughing at the dirty joke before both girls linked arms and walked off into their different homerooms.


The day had gone well so far. It was lunch time and Gina lined up for her food. She was a normal kid who paid her school fees dutifully after all.

Fiona was already seated when she got to their lunch table. Hussein no longer sat with them. He was with the team now. Gina wasn't surprised. It was a default setting.

He looked more muscular though. He must gave been keeping busy, Gina mused.

"Zayn keeps looking at you," Fiona pointed out when Gina looked away from Liam and crew. She spotted James in the process, looking very serious and with his pals.


"Zayn keeps looking here. He looks ... wishful... what happened?"

Gina sighed and her mind took her back to the dream scene of her and him before Max ruined it. She blushed. That had been an awesome kiss!

One hell of a kisser the dream version of the bad boy was.

So, why was everything so much harder? It was juust a dream. It was not like it would happen in real life... right? Besides, there were lots of girls trying to catch his eye since he was a hottie.

Why was her ego hell bent on keeping them apart?

Would they ever be together?

Everything was so confusing and she closed her eyes. A tear slipped out and Fiona became alarmed. Gina mocked herself. She was crying about something that would probably never happen.

"Gina, what happened? The date was that bad?! I am so sorry that Hussein and I splitting made him bitter. That must have been it! Did he abuse you? That must be it! I am gonna go hurt him!" She said getting up just as Tasha walked up to their table.

"What's happening?"

"Zayn hurt Gina. Now I'm going to hurt him!"

Tasha was as confused but managed to get Fiona to sit. Then Niall showed up and she left while looking guilty. Gina temporarily forgot her woes as she looked from one face to another. What were they up to?


Gina found herself early to dance class. She stretched after changing and started on some choreography.  It wasn't until thirty minutes later that everyone came to find her finishing. André was the first to congratulate her on coming way too early.

She smiled through the teasing and they all worked together before Miss. King decided to call it a day. She walked away, wiping her brow with her t-shirt as she headed to the changing rooms.

At the end of the day, no matter how much she didn't want to think of it... her mind went back to Zayn and that kiss in her dream.

That dream kiss.

Why wouldn't her freaking smart head just shut everything in relation to THAT off?

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