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Nick stared at her in shock as she walked to him. She smiled.

"What is it Nick? Are you scared?" James bragged. "You are gonna lose... big time."

Fiona smiled at Nick, "will you let him say that to you? Talk like the proud fool he really is?"

Nick's eyes widened at Fiona's question. He had never heard the determined tone she was using. He picked up on a faint italian accent and smiled as he remembered his mum. She sounded that way too.

"DJ, hit it when I tell you to," Fiona said after choosing a song. She winked at a giggling Niall and a frantic looking Carlos.

Nick spoke. "Let's do this!"

The DJ started playing the song. It was 'Dimelo' by Enrique Iglesias. As the song began, Fiona walked around Nick in absolute sync with the beats. Then she slid her leg between his and he placed his hand on her waist and tilted her before righting her and they began to move together. His left hand held onto hers as they danced, taking one foot ahead then facing each other to link their right hands together and release almost immediately. After four steps, he released her and she spun out but her spun her back in. They were face to face as she moved her left leg in a circular motion. He let her slide down and she spun on her ankle before he lifted her off her feet. She kept moving both her legs as he held her off the ground before he put her down and she let him spin her around before he pulled her back and she spun out.

By now the dancing couple was surrounded by an audience who were cheering as Nick and Fiona did the hustle and she jumped into his hands once, then twice and each time he grabbed one leg and drew it out straight.

"I didn't know Fiona could dance," Louis spoke in surprise.

"Well, she used to do salsa, then rhumba then samba then tango... oh my... she just did the splits in the air... on Nick?!" Eleanor asked before Nick put her down and he did some footwork too that had even his brothers cheering. Harry watched an upset James walk away just as Beck walked in.


"Beck. What are you doing here?" Harry asked, looking around to see if anyone had spotted the new entry. Luckily for him, no one had.

"I came."


"You asked me to come. You texted me last night. Didn't you?"

Harry stared at him before sighing. "It must have been Louis."

"Louis?! You and Louis are..."

"Just friends, nothing more."

Beck was silent for a little while before asking where Gina could be. "Apart from you and Louis, she's the only person I know here."

Harry rolled his eyes. "She must be around here somewhere."

Being Beck, he set out in search of the gorgeous young lady and discovered her outside with Zayn, seemingly having a very serious discussion. He watched her with a smile on his face, remembering the few moments he had spent with her as a dance partner. He wished he could have that opportunity again because he loved dancing with her. She enjoyed it and her company was always delightful.

He could see a few other people outside who were chatting quietly. The party was raging inside but it was so quiet outside. He found that strange but who was he to doubt it?

He saw Husseina and her new boyfriend who looked vaguely familiar to him. In an instant he knew why-he was Gina's ex-and he smiled at how weird life was. Gina was happy without her boyfriend and her bestfriend was happy with him.

"You can stare!" He suddenly heard and turned to see a guy he didn't recognize standing next to him. He smiled.

"Hi. I'm sorry... I was just thinking."

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" He asked, his eyes straying to Gina. Beck thought he was talking about Husseina so he nodded.

"She's beautiful but her personality is just sad. How could she take her best friend's boyfriend?"

"Well, he really wasn't," the guy defended. "The supposed girlfriend was not even interested in him. Hence it was okay for her."

"Are you sure? Because I know for a fact that he was in a relationship."

"No he wasn't," the guy defended. "He had waited for the alleged girlfriend to acknowledge him but she didn't bother to."

"You mean to say that Gina was not in a relationship with Max?" Beck asked in surprise.

"What? No! Gina was in a relationship but he cheated and left."

"So who wasn't?"


Beck nodded. "So Husseina went and broke up Max and Gina and now they are together."

The other guy blushed. "Can we talk about something else? Like Gina. Doesn't she look good tonight?"

"Yeah, she does. Zayn is feeling very lucky, isn't he?" Beck joked.

"He is happy," the stranger joked. They laughed before he turned to Beck. "I haven't seen you around..."

"I'm Beck," he spoke, smiling. "I came with Harry."

"Harry's plus one. I see," the stranger teased. Just then, Gina spotted them.

"Hussein! Beck! You're both here!"

Beck did a double-take. That was Husseina's brother?! He noticed that he had nothing similar to Husseina. NO WONDER!

Feeling silly, he excused himself as soon as the pleasantries were over.

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