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You are the thunder,
And I am the lightning.

"You mean that Zayn and you slept in the same room?!" Fiona yelled down the phone.

"Shut UP!"

"Did he sing that song he's been working on for you?"

Gina raised an eyebrow at that. "Which song?"

"It goes like, 'whenever you kiss him, I'm breaking...' or something. He was working on it last... a few days ago before you bailed on me and slept in his bed... you ditched me for him?!"

"Are you mad?"

Fiona hang up and stared at her friend. "No I am not. It's weird talking on the phone when we're just feet away from each other."

"Okay, fine, so maybe you are right," Gina replied. "I really sorta just missed you and I couldn't wait to tell you that Zayn and I..."

Just then, a hand shot out and grabbed her, pulling her into a broom closet. She gasped but a hand covered her lips.

"Shh! Shh! It's me... shh!"

Gina's eyes widened at the guy infront of her. "Zayn?"

He didn't waste time, as his head lowered to her. She knew what was going to happen before it did. Her heart was beating way too fast and loud, her eyes were shutting by themselves... and her hands...

"Wake up Gina," she heard faintly. "Gina... wake up! NOW!"

Blinking back the shock of the dream, despite how hard it was, she sat up. She was, again, on Zayn's bed. He was watching 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' while eating popcorn.

"Hey, you are finally up. What happened? You just blacked out! You promised to stay awake!"

She shook her head, looking at him and tilting her head to look at him again. Zayn noticed and asked her if she was okay.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I am," she said, drawing back from him. She moved backward and leaned against the headboard. She tried to avoid looking at him but her eyes just couldn't stop. She pulled her phone off the sidetable and checked the time.



"I have to go."

"But the movie is halfway."

She sighed. She knew how sad he'd get and she hated to see him look that way. She sighed before he could say anything.

"I'll stay."


"So, while we were upstairs you found the album?"

"Something like that," Doniyah said while winking. "I wish I could stay in and read it with you but I have to go. School calls."

"You have school on Saturday?" Safiyah asked in surprise. "That's shocking. I thought that when you grow up, you don't need school anymore..."

"Safiyah, i love how cute you are but I have to go. Zayn, be nice. Gina, keep rocking that. Safiyah, please stay out of my room? And tell Wahliyah that I don't want her there either... Mum, I'm going!"

The rest of the afternoon was spent messing around. Zayn and her played scrabble like they used to, and he won by a small margin. They took a walk in the garden and he made fun of her so she chased him around before the game turned on it's head and Zayn started to chase her. They looked so cute together!

When he saw that she was tiring faster than him, he tackled her and she fell down. He tickled her until she could only gasp instead of laughing. Then they lay on the grass, side by side, swapping stories. Eventually, they had to go back in and Zayn promised to escort her home. They embarked on an easy trot that kept them both lively.

They got to her home as the sun was going down. He smiled at her as he said goodbye and she giggled as she thanked him for the accommodation.

It might have been how the sun's golden rays set her eyes alight. It might have been the shadow on Zayn's face as he stared at her and thought how beautiful she was... it might have been something else altogether. Somehow, Zayn and Gina found themselves moving closer and closer, as if drawn together by a force they couldn't fight off. Their faces were centimetres apart when Henna threw the front door open.


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