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Yeah my love,
There is something I want you to know.
Yeah my love,
I can see my whole life infront of my eyes,
Everything will be alright.
Because my love, home is where you are.

"Did you know she could sing?" Liam asked Harry as they hangout at the latter's room in his parents' home.

"Never would have guessed. Yes, she played classical music but that was just it."

"Wait... I know why you don't know. You were too busy checking her out. Am I right or am I right?"

Harry stole a look at Liam from the side.  He didn't want to admit it, but it was right.

Just then, Harry got a message on his phone. He looked at Liam and got up to go as his friend protested.

"C'mon man! You should have warned me!"

As Liam went on complaining, Harry headed to the kitchen to read the message. It was from Gina. He couldn't help smiling to himself. Talk about coincidence!

From Gina Hottie
Hey Harry, can we meet? I need to talk to you about something.

He smiled. She wanted to see him?! Cool!

To Gina Hottie
Sure. Give me a time and place.

From Gina Hottie
Mine. An hour from now. Bring your chemistry homework with you.


Gina was not in a good mood. She had already triple checked all her answers and was about to do it all over again. Harry was worried for his life.

"Gina, chill!"

Her eyes widened before narrowing to Harry. "Gimme your book."

"Nu-uh. I like my answers just the way you are."

She raised an eyebrow at Harry's reply. "You like your answers just the way I am?"

Luckily for him, Ximena walked in looking for her daughter. "Gina, you have a visitor."

"Who is it mum?" She asked as she tried to read over Harry's answers again.

"He's tall, looks exotic, dark skin, sinfully beautiful and..."


They all turned to see Beck Oliver leaning against the door. "Sorry... I know this is creepy. I followed Harry. He's been avoiding me."

Gina looked from a red-faced Harry to a serious Beck. "What's happening?"

"I'm gonna... go check on... yeah, later kids. Be nice Gina."

"Can't promise."

Ximena rolled her eyes before walking off. Gina turned to face the two, her thoughts fleeting into her mind at light speed.

"Why are you two always together when I see you?"

"We're friends, aren't we Beck?"

"Sure..." Beck faltered before catching Harry's glare. "Yeah. We are just friends. Really good friends. Awesomely close friends. Together all the time fri..."

"She gets it," Harry whispered. Beck stopped and nodded.

"Of course she does."

Gina had to laugh. These two were most definitely hiding something. She wondered if they were aware they looked like guilty lovers caught in the act.

"You two do know that you look very guilty right now, yeah?"

Harry and Beck exchanged a look before the latter spoke. "Nope. Anyway, why is Styles with you?"

GinaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang