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It was almost Winter Formal. The Jonas Brothers were back, and the dancers had gotten a last minute change to the song. They had finally settled on "Burnin' Up" and loved practice.

Miss. King pushed them, asking them to come early or stay late to practice for both the Formal and the Showcase. The Showcase was coming before Formal though.

"Zayn, you HAVE to DANCE!" Miss. King yelled one afternoon only for him to storm out of class. When Gina went after him, she saw Husseina talking to him. They looked comfortable and she didn't like how she felt. There was this pain in her heart when she saw them. She wanted to remind him of what they were to do. At the same time, she wanted to leave. Eventually, she chose the latter and left.

When Zayn came back, she was unusually quiet. She speedily finished her session with him and went home, leaving Zayn wondering what went wrong.


Sighing, she picked up another cauliflower and dumped it in the basket. Grocery shopping was never fun alone.

I hate this.

She picked up a bag of some onions and scrutinized them before deciding they were good. She dropped them into the trolley and proceeded to read from her shopping list.

"Sanitary towels... ear buds... garlic..."

"Hi! You're Gina, right?"

She turned around and almost passed out. Right there, stood Harry and... Beck.

"Beck! Harry!"

"Hi Gina!" They chorused. They looked so good together, with both of them wearing ponytails and skinny jeans. It was like looking at twins because they also had on similar t-shirts. This was just weird and cool at the same time.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Shopping for movie night."

"You guys KNOW each other?"

"We do."

Gina smiled half-heartedly, before telling them that she had to go. Beck tried to invite her for movie night but she turned them down. She eventually finished her shopping and went home.


"Your eyes are not a dark shade of hazel. They are amber."

Gina looked up, and Zayn smiled. "Well, of course, not now..."

Unable to resist smiling, she looked into her books instead. Zayn caught on, smiling as he walked past. "I am sorry if I hurt you," he said finally. "I don't know what I did wrong though. It's just... it has been a week since we talked. You ignore me..."

"Not now Zayn."

"No. Now is a good time. I've caught your attention! What did I do wrong? Tell me!"

"It is no big issue Zayn..."

"That's why you didn't talk to me for a week? And we are partners?! Do you know how dance can get complicated when your partner does not trust you?!"

"He is right," Joe said as he took a bite of an apple. "You are dancing to our song, so, technically... you have to do as I, or my brothers say. And I say, you should tell him why you are snobbing him."

"I hate you being in-charge."

"Better get to it. And no insults." Joe smiled in a superior manner.

"But I just did."


"If you didn't figure it out then, you won't figure it out now."

"Smarty pants!" Joe sniffed. "I am going to tell Nick you abused me."

Zayn raised an eyebrow at Joe's hasty departure. "So, are you gonna tell me...?"

"I saw you talking to Husseina the other day."

"And?" Zayn asked, looking at the scowl on her face. He knew she knew he was not happy.

"And I got angry. Husseina is not my friend anymore. You are fraternizing to the enemy!"

Unable to hide his amusement, Zayn smiled quietly. "She was the one who was doing all the talking actually. I was just listening."

Dissatisfied, Gina asked about the compromising positions. Zayn grinned. "You saw a lot Gina, but we were not in any compromising positions. Are you sure?!"

"HEY! I know what I SAW!"

"Why is it so important to you?" Zayn asked, smiling to himself at how her mouth opened and closed like a fish gaping for air.

"Aaaaargh!" She started to walk away but Zayn made chicken noises. "I am not a chicken you... you... ugh! Utter sight for sore eyes."

His eyes widened. "Wow, a compliment!"

"I got jealous, okay? Now go sit in the corner and think about what you've done!"

"How about we call it a truce and we go to that place we went last time for fries?"

"How can it be a truce when you were in the wrong and I complimented you?"

"Good idea," Zayn said, "you have beautiful eyes and you make me want to kiss you any time you look at me. Truce?"

Gina nodded, shaking hands before realizing what Zayn had just said. "Hey! Zayn! Get back here... ugh, he's not coming back, is he?"

GinaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang