Chapter 44- Insults

Start from the beginning

He walked to the door and used both hands to turn the wheel lock.

As soon as the door opened, we heard a scream mixed with laugher coming from the room.

"Ha..Harley..." Bruce stuttered, entering the room.

I followed him, and my eyes widened at the sight of Harley strapped to a gurney table, with two bruises on the sides of her head.

I instantly remembered how Joker used to shock me...I remembered the pain.

"Oh, visitors" she mocked, wincing her eyes at us.

I smiled at her awkwardly, and I noticed her hands turn into fists at the side of her, so I looked down.

"She has been here since this morning" the man said, looking down at his clip board.

He walked back toward the door.
"You are allowed 5 minutes with her, then I will be back"

"5 minutes?" Bruce raised his eyebrows "that's all?"

"Mr Wayne, she is our only patient on high alert...i think 5 minutes is enough"
And then the man shut the door behind him.

"So, what brings you pussies here?" Harley spat

"please don't say that" Bruce sighed, approaching her.

"I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT" she shook the table, causing Bruce to back up slightly.

"I know, I know baby"
Bruce looked so sad.

"BABY?" She shouted "WHO YOU CALLIN BABY?"

Bruce didn't hesitate the moment, and walked to her- kneeling down beside the table and holding her hand.

I felt myself nearly stop him, but I didn't. This was his only moment.

"I know you're in there Harleen" he cried, looking deeply in her eyes "I'm going to help you"

She burst out laughing.
"HARLEEN?" She cackled "what are you talking about you idiot?- and get your hand off me!"

She shook his hand off hers, and Bruce looked hurt.

" please" he managed to say

"Piss off!" She growled "and take her with you!"

I looked at her and glared
"I don't want to be involved"

"Well you are bitch, so get out"

I raised an eyebrow
"Oh really?"

I stepped forward and crossed my arms.

"Ivy, please" Bruce sniffled

"No, this bitch has something to say apparently" I hissed

"You bet I do, slut"

"Ooo you are pushing it you little psycho- luckily I can get crazy too" I warned

"Try me" she growled

"Well I know your 'puddin' tried you" I smirked cleverly, causing her to clench her jaw.

"NO! NO HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME!" She screamed, shaking the table "LET ME AT HER!"

"You think he loves you? Bullshit bitch" i laughed

"Ivy, I think you should leave" Bruce said


"I'll have Alfred send a car for me" he replied "but just leave"

I looked at him, then at Harley.
She was all red and veins were sticking out of her forehead and neck.

"Fine" I sighed, heading for the door

Harley yelled at me

I turned and smiled condescendingly
"I won't hold my breath then"

As I shut the door behind me, I only heard Harley's screams.

I trailed up the stairs again, and back outside.

"Fucking nasty- UGH" I mumbled to myself as I started the car.  I couldn't believe I just had an argument with Harley fucking Quinn.
This whole thing was fucked up, and I didn't want to be a part of it anymore! Bruce could handle it himself.

As I drove away from the Asylum, I heard my phone buzz in my bag.

I took one hand off the steering wheel, and saw a text from Joker.
I stopped at a red light and read it.

"I'm not at the mansion, but I have an outfit out for you on the bed and I want you to put it on. All you need to know is that my men will pick you up and take you to where I am- look pretty, but that won't be hard for you princess ;)"

I smiled down at the message, and texted back.

"Secrets huh? This better be good ;)"

When the light turned green, I set off again.
I noticed the time was 5 in the afternoon, which surprised me. The day had flown by.

I was nearly back at the mansion, and I hadn't got a reply from Joker.

This was quite suspicious, but I liked it.

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