Chapter 24- Guns and Gifts

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Days had passed.
Me and Joker...I think we're now together, but we didn't discuss it.
Although, he got his henchmen to go out and get me some clothes and basic/lady essentials. They also got me some makeup.

Joker and I slept in the same bed every night, and kissed a lot since I bandaged his bullet wound, but we hadn't had sex.
I could tell he wanted to, and I wanted to, but he refused to go any further than kissing until he was fully healed. I think It was mostly because he wants to be the dominant one, but if he is injured he can't.

By now he was walking around just barely, but I always told him to lay down, but again, he refused.
Although, he was getting better by the day.

Today he said he was going to teach me how to aim and shoot a gun, and I was so ready to learn. I applied my new makeup, which was foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

When I was ready, he set up a row of bottles outside in the old back garden.
I had never seen the back garden until now, but because the mansion was abandoned- you can imagine what it looked like.

All the plants were overgrown and a dead brown colour, and there was a fountain what had green slimy water resting at the bottom. However, the little stone Cupid above it was beautifully detailed.

When he set the last bottle down, he handed me his Purple and gold gun.

I felt shivers run down my spine as he stood right behind me.
He put his arms over mine and placed his rough hands on my soft ones what were now holding the gun.

He rested his chin on my shoulder, and looked ahead of him.

"Okay, the gun is loaded" he said "keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot, then aim for the targets"

I let out a deep breath, then squinted my eyes at a green bottle on the wall.

I quickly noticed the safety switch was on, so I switched it off.

"Ah you passed the first test" he grinned "I didn't think you would notice"

"Shut up" I chuckled, melting under his touch. I could feel his every breath on my neck and it made me shiver every time.

I concentrated, then gently placed my finger on the trigger, and I felt Jokers hands tighten around mine.

Suddenly, I shot the bullet and it blew up the green bottle I had my eye on.

"Oh my god I got it!" I yelled, putting my arms down, but he quickly lifted them back up

"Never put your arms down!" He instructed "every one of those bottles wants to kill you"

"They're bottles" I joked.

"They're enemies now" he said seriously.

I aimed again, and just skimmed the bottle on the end when I fired the bullet.

I aimed again and finally hit it, and I didn't let my arms down, instead I quickly moved on to the next bottle.
Once I got into the swing of things there was no stopping me. From then on I shot through all the bottles without a miss.

I thought my aiming would be terrible, but turns out I'm a natural.

"Impressive" he praised as he slowly lowered my hands and took his arms away.

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