Chapter 37- Doubtful Romance

Start from the beginning

There was a bit of silence..

"Anyway, didn't you say you and Bruce were thinking of adopting?" I said to change the subject

She nodded along with a sigh
"Yeah, but I think he's only doing it for me"

"Surely not" I said

"He doesn't seem interested in kids, but I am" Harleen frowned

"Well...well maybe he will change his mind"

"Maybe..." She sighed again, but then she looked up at me- her face lit up with excitement.
"Maybe if I say you're pregnant he will change his mind!"

I looked at her and furrowed my brows
"I mean...maybe" I said "but how will that help?"

"I don't was just a thought" her face fell back to a frown.
"You know Ivy...I don't really know if I love him"

I looked up in disbelief

"I want to...but...but there's something inside of me what tells me I can't love him"

My mouth parted and I just stared at her in shock..

"But Harleen, he loves you" I whispered, making sure no one heard.

"I know he does...but there's something else"

My stomach dropped.
Does she mean Joker!? Can she remember him!?

"What like..." I asked

"I keep feeling I'm supposed to be in love with another...never mind" she brushed off "my mind has been all over the place recently"

"" I stuttered

"I probably do love him really" she sighed "it's just sometimes I doubt it"

"I understand"

"You do?" She looked up

"Um..yeah and Jerome get in fights and sometimes I feel doubtful" I said, trying to make her feel better.

"It's not like that" she frowned "my mind tells me I want something else"

"Haven't you been on medication?" I asked

She nodded
"Yep. Bruce says I have to take it...I don't know why"

I felt knots tie in my stomach.
I could feel the guilt and the sympathy.

"I'm sure it's just vitamins or something" I joked awkwardly

"Maybe" she agreed hopelessly.

After that, we spent a bit more time talking, until Bruce returned from a meeting.

"Darling" Harleen smiled weakly as she got up and kissed him

"Hello Ivy" Bruce smiled as he hung up his blazer

"Hi" I chuckled

"Have you two been alright?" He asked

"Yes" Harleen grinned "Ivy's pregnant!"

I looked down to hide my red cheeks. Hearing those words made it more real.

"Oh Ivy! Congratulations!" Bruce said, coming over to give me a hug.

I stood and hugged him.

"We should celebrate, Bring Jerome over!" He beamed

I looked over at Harleen and she looked just as happy as he was, I felt bad lying to them.

"He works a lot...but he would love to..but he just can't find the time" I lied

Their smiles sunk.

"I understand, it's hard always working- just ask me!" Bruce joked "so is it a girl or a boy?"

"She's only one month" Harleen chuckled

"Ah, any names?" He asked

"Well...I've thought of Ingrid for a girl and Ash for a choices may change over the months though" I smiled, looking down at my stomach.

"Well they're beautiful names Ivy" he nodded "and if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with you in my office"

My heart dropped with fear.
I looked over at Harleen and she looked shocked too.

I followed Bruce to his office, glancing over at Harleen as I passed.

"Take a seat, Ivy" he said, sitting at his desk

I sat down and spoke nervously
"What's this about?"

"Well" Bruce sighed "My concern is Harleen. Recently she has been quite distant...I wondered if you knew anything about this, seen as though you talk to her"

I shifted in my seat awkwardly.
"She mentioned how recently she has been doubting...doubting her love for you" I explained "she said that there is something inside her what makes her want something else...maybe loves something else"
I obviously was meaning Joker.

He sighed deeply and ran his hands down his face.
"Right" he said simply "Joker...part of her still remembers him"

"Oh...well surely the medication and therapy will stop this, right?"
I could feel his disappointment.

"It should, but because he was such a big part of her life, her brain is finding it hard to let go of such events and memories" he explained "she can't remember absolutely everything though which is a plus I guess"

I nodded, processing the information
"Well what ever happens- she can't know who she was"

He looked up and agreed:
"Anyone who is in the presence of The Joker should have therapy- he changes people, toys with emotions...he is a demon, the Devil himself"

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