Chapter 27- Fake Tears

Start from the beginning

"Wait!" She called

I looked back and she was smiling
"Do you want to swap numbers? I'm honestly in desperate need to talk to someone my age" she chuckled

"Of course!" I grinned

I got out the phone joker had given me, and we exchanged numbers

"I'll see you later!" I smiled as I gave her a hug, and then I continued to follow Bruce.

"You can sit here" he pointed to a chair as we entered an office area what had lots of bookcases around it.

I sat in the chair, and he sat at his large wooden desk.

"So...Ivy" he sighed "what is so important that you needed to come up to my home?"

I was taken back by his rudeness, I thought the good guys would be welcoming...obviously not.

I put on a serious face and replied
"I was kidnapped by joker, and I have information not even you know"

He raised an eyebrow at me, but I could see the sudden curiosity in his eyes.
"And you came to me about this, why?"

I gave out a sarcastic chuckle.
"Because I know you're Batman"

He stayed silent, then stood up and faced his large window with his back to me.

"You have no proof" he laughed

"Oh really?" I challenged "I was in that car what you chased in the river...I managed to escape"

He turned around quickly and glared at me
"I advise you go to the police"

I stood up slowly and walked toward the door with a little amusement.

"It would be an awful shame if word got out, wouldn't it Mr Wayne?" I grinned as I started to open the door. He knew I was threatening to tell newspapers about his superhero identity.

He thought for a moment, then called my name, and told me to sit back down.

"What information do you have?" He asked plainly.

"I'll give you your information, if you allow me to be friends with Harley. We have both been captured by the Joker and I think we should talk to each other, she has endured more than me" I explained

Bruce rubbed the back of his neck, then looked up at me.
"She's not Harley anymore"

"What?" I asked

"I took her in...and I could see her sane self screaming to escape her I'm fixing her" he mumbled

I was completely overwhelmed...
"How? How are you fixing her?"

"She has a lot of therapy, medicine...but most of all she is in a safe environment" he explained "and along the way, we fell in love"

"Wow, a superhero falling in love with a villain, I've heard everything now" I joked

"She isn't a villain anymore, in fact..." He said, but he stopped himself

"What?" I asked, waiting for him to finish

He sighed and closed his eyes
"She doesn't remember anything from her Harley days or the lifestyle she used to live"

"My god, what have you done to her?" I gawped in disbelief

"Nothing. The therapy must of made her forget some things- she can remember a few things though, like Joker" he sighed "she can't remember what they did together, but she remembers who he is...I guess because he was a big part of her life she can't forget him easily"

I sat back in the chair and thought to myself
"So no more Harley? How am I going to tell Joker!?"

"But...yes...I guess you can speak to Harleen, under the condition you don't mention or talk about her past life with her" he said in a serious tone

"Absolutely." I agreed "thank you.."

"Why do you want be friends with her anyway?" He asked suspiciously

"She wanted to. She said she wants a girl friend who she can talk to" I answered, keeping my cool.

He nodded, randomly fixing some pencils in a pot next to him.

I mentally sighed with relief. Everything was working.

"So? The information" he stared

"Oh, of course" I grinned "would you like to know where his hideout is?"

He nodded, looking at me with intense curiosity

"His hideout..he's everywhere" I lied

Bruce furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion

"His hideout is the city. He moves around. He's everywhere" I lied again "when he kidnapped me, I couldn't keep track! I would wake up..tied a new location everyday"

I let out some fake tears to show how 'upset' and 'traumatised' I was about my little lie.

He passed me a tissue and gave me a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry about what he did to you"

I nodded as I wiped the 'tears' away with a sniffle

"It's not your fault, it's the Jokers....he has to pay!" I sobbed

"And he will my Dear, don't worry" he smiled assuringly

"Sucker" I thought

He stood up and walked to a set of drawers and pulled one open.
"You're obviously too upset to talk now" he said "would you like to come back tomorrow? And explain to me more then?"

I looked up and grinned
"I'd love that Mr Wayne"

"Please, call me Bruce"

He passed me a small green card and explained to me that if I show it to the front desk tomorrow, they will fetch Alfred and he will bring me right up to the penthouse.

As we left the study, I saw Harleen sat on the couch with a magazine in her hands.
"Hi!" She smiled at us both

She stood up and kissed Bruce, then grinned at me
"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, but I've been invited back tomorrow" I chuckled

"Oh that's great! We can go out if you want!" She said enthusiastically

"That would be amazing!" I replied in amazement

"Maybe not the city..." Bruce mumbled to Harleen

"Why not?" She asked

I noticed Bruce shot her a look.
A look what said "we've talked about this"

Harleen rolled her eyes then looked at me, her smile had disappeared
"Well we can just stay here, I guess it will be warmer" she chuckled sadly

I felt sorry for her. She was always being told what to do, even when she was Harley.
I guess Bruce just wanted to protect her.

They showed me to the door, and I hugged Harleen goodbye.

As I left the building and got back in my car, I took the phone out my bag and texted Joker:

"Everything has gone according to plan ;)"

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