Last Days

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Abby's P.O.V

"Can you believe it Graduation is in 5 more days!" Jack said.

"I know time flew right by us," I said.

"I am so excited to finally get out of this school!" he chirped.

"I'm just upset that you will be going on tour," I said.

"Don't worry the tour will be over quickly, and I will be right back with you."

I smiled.

"Graduation's in 5 more days people!" Beth yelled. I laughed. 

"Hey Abby," Chris said.

"Hey Chris," I said.

"So graduation's in 5 more days."

"I heard."

"Do you have any plans after graduation?" he asked.

"Not really, why?"

"Well I was going to have this big graduation party for all the senior's and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Is it going to be like the first party I went to of yours, or is it going to be different?"

"Trust me that won't ever happen again, even though I enjoyed that kiss we shared," he smirked.

"Well if it's going to be different than sure, I'll be there."


I laughed. He walked away.

"What did he want?" Jack asked.

"He's having this party and wanted to ask if I was going to be there."

"Just you and his friends?"

"No for the whole grade, trust me if it was just me and his friends I would have said no."

"Well he will be expecting me there too," Jack said. 

"Jealousy.." I whispered. He pushed me jokingly.

Later that Day:

"I can't believe that graduation is in 5 more days, and I still haven't found a dress."

"Do you wanna go shopping tomorrow?" Jack asked. 

"Yes please!"

He laughed.

"I'm so excited to graduate, aren't you?" 

"Yeah, I'm just upset that after graduation I'm going to be going on tour.." he said sadly.

"I just wish you can come with me," he said.

"I really do, but I want to go to school."

"I understand," he said. 

The Next Day:

"4 more day's people!" Beth yelled.

"I'm going to go calm her down," Jack said. I laughed.


Jack walked away.

Chris walked up to me. 



"So graduation is in 4 more days," he said.

"I know, I still don't have my dress!"

"Well I'm going to go shopping today, you wanna go?" he asked.

"Actually I'm-"

"She's going shopping with me," Jack acknowledged.


"That's okay, maybe will meet up at the same place."

"Maybe we will," I smiled. He walked away.

"I hate that guy."

"Don't worry there is nothing to be jealous about, he is just my friend." I assured him. 

"I still hate him, no matter what you say, I will always hate him." 

I laughed.

"You're so jealous," I laughed.

"Shut up."

At the Mall:

"How does this one look?"

"They all look good on you," he stated. 

"Thanks, but I want to make sure that I have the perfect dress!"

"Don't stress yourself over it."


"I'm going to find an outfit, I will be right back." 

30 minutes later:

I sat waiting for Jack. A few seconds later he walked over to me.

"There you are! I wanted to tell you that I finally found my dress!"

"And I found the mine as well."

"Great! Now we can go home and I can try on my dress one more time!"

Jack laughed.

Back Home:

I tried on the dress over and over again. I am so excited to wear this! I'm going to slay this graduation!


I quickly took of the dress and put on my regular clothes. I ran out. 


I looked to see Destiny.



"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to apologize and I wanted to tell you that I missed you."


"Dad came and visited me," she added.

"He told me that you guys talked and it didn't go as well, and so he decided to find me and talk to me and comfort me, and I let him....."

"And then he got drunk, and he told me something...."


"About mom."

"He killed her."

My heart dropped. 


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