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Abby's P.O.V
I can't believe Jack did that to me. How he would hurt me and think it was going to be no big deal. It's like I don't know who to trust anymore. I feel like I just get away from everybody.

I just want to be somewhere away from the drama. A place where I could be happy. I need a place that I can sleep in instead of my old house. I just want to be away from them, because if I stay I know I will regret it.

Unknown's P.O.V
I looked all over town for that girl, where can she be. I mean she can't be anywhere far. I looked all around till I got to this café place. I walked all around when I saw a girl sitting down.

That must be Abby. I walked over to her and looked closely to make sure that it was her. Luckily my wish came true. I walked closer to her and grabbed her putting my hands over her mouth.

She fought back but I was a little stronger making me able to hold her down. I walked to my car and put her in. I started the car and drove away quickly.....

Jack J's P.O.V
I walked out of the restaurant and walked to the front to see if she was sitting there. I walked to the back and she was not there either. I walked to my car and got in driving to Abby's house.

A few minutes later I finally got there. I ran inside and walked into her bedroom and she still wasn't there. Where in the world could she be? I walked back to my car and got in. I then received a text, it was from Abby!

Abby: Jack help me!!!!

I looked at the text over and over. My heart started speeding up and I started to sweat.

Me: Abby where are you? I texted as fast as I could.

Abby: I don't know some abandoned place at Water Rook street.

I started the car and drove as fast as I could. I just hope she is okay.......

Abby's P.O.V

"Let me go", I yelled. She put me down.

"Now please just wait here", she said.

"And why should I do that", I said.

"Please just stay I promise that I will not torture you", she said.

"Why should I believe you, you've been trying to torture me for weeks now", I said.

"But this time I swear that I won't", she said. I rolled my eyes. She walked out and I was left alone in the dark room.

Jack J's P.O.V

I hurriedly drove to the street. Going through red lights and turning when I wasn't, but it's like I couldn't stop until I knew she was okay.

A few minutes later I drove up to the street. I saw an abandoned house. I parked my car and got out going up to the house.

A door was so I walked slowly and carefully to the door opening it up slightly so I can be inside.

It was dark so I used the flashlight on my phone. Where could she be?

Abby's P.O.V

A few minutes later the girl walked back in. She looked at me and I just looked at her.

"So what do you actually want from me", I said.

"I don't want anything from you it's someone else", she said.

"And who is this someone", I said.

"They don't want me to tell you", she said. I rolled my eyes and sighed.


"ABBY", I heard someone yell.

"ABBY", that must be Jack!

"IM IN HERE JACK", I yelled.

He ran in and went over to me. He hugged me and looked to see if I had any bruises or cuts on me.

"Are you okay", he asked.

"Yes I am fine", I said.

"Jack what a wonderful surprise to see you here", she said.

"Why did you kidnap her and take her here", he asked.

"Someone wanted to see here but I promise no one got hurt", she said.

"Yeah well that's gonna change", he said walking up to her but I grabbed his arm.

"Feisty Jack, I like it", she said.

"What are you doing", he asked me.

"It's just not worth it", I said.

"She took kidnapped you and you think it's not worth it to beat her up", he said.

"I am glad that you care so much but just forget it if she would of wanted to hurt me she would of done it already", I said.

"Yeah I would, but hey Jack after this is over lets just forget about it and make out", she said.

"Sorry Liz but after what you did to Abby I just don't think it will work", he said.

"Yeah about that my name isn't Liz", she said.

"Then who are you", he asked.

"Abby", someone said. I looked up to see a tall, dark-haired, blue eyed guy in front of me.

"Who are you", I asked.

"You don't remember me", he said.

"No", I said.

"I'm your brother Michael"

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