Just Friends?

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Abby's P.O.V

A Week Later:

I was finally out of the hospital. Jack has been comforting me and making sure to keep an eye on me, so I didn't do anything crazy. I didn't really need him to do that. I could have been fine by myself, but he just had to help me.

I sat on the couch, while Jack was making coffee. I walked in the kitchen.

"Hey, you're coffee is almost done." he said.

"Jack I'm fine, you don't need to do this." I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I mean isn't Tina wondering where you're at right now?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"I told you that Tina and I are over," Jack said.

"Jack...you and I are just friends," I said.

"I don't care....I'm not going to leave you again..."

"And before you say anything...I know I ignored you, I know I was a huge dick for doing that, but I made a mistake, and I will never do it again, I promise." he said.

"Jack...when you say you promise...do you mean it? Or is it just a way to make me feel better, after all the shit you put me through?" I asked.

"I love you Abby," he said.

"My dad lied to me, my mom lied to me, I don't need you to lie to me to, Jack."

"I would never lie to you, Abby." Jack said.

"You sure about that?" I asked. I walked away.

Later That Day:

"Hey, you wanna order pizza?" Jack asked.

"Sure," I said.



"Do you really hate me?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I said I love you like a billion times, and you haven't said it back, and that night that you said it, you sounded like you meant it." I said.

"I don't hate you Jack," I said.

"I love you.."

He smiled.

"Is this the part where we kiss?" I laughed. He laughed with me.

"I miss this," he stated.

"Me too..."

"Tina was okay, but she will never be like you."


The Next Day:


I looked to see Beth.

"Jack told me what happened. I'm so sorry I wasn't there, and I'm so sorry that I yelled at you," she said.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too," I said. She smiled. She hugged me. I hugged her back. She pulled away, smiling at me. 

"I better get to class," I said. She nodded. I walked away. I looked to see Chris.

"Hey," I said. He ignored me.


He kept walking.


"Leave me alone!"

"Chris what's the matter with you?"

"Does Friday night ring a bell?"

"Oh my gosh! 

"I don't even know why I thought you would come," he said.



"I'm sorry that I didn't come, I really am, but the real reason why I didn't show, and I know you wouldn't believe me...but I will tell you anyway....is that I was in the hospital..."


"I knew you wouldn't believe me, but I'm telling you, I'm telling the truth."

"What a shitty excuse," he said. I walked away.

Beth's P.O.V

I walked up to Chris.

"You know she really was in the hospital," I said.

"You don't have to back her up," he said.

"I'm not. I'm telling you the truth, before you make more of an ass of yourself."

"Well you already did...."

"Was she really in the hospital?" he asked.

"Yes, Abby wouldn't lie to you or try to hurt you, especially since she kinda likes you," I said. She smiled.

"Now I suggest you go apologize."

I walked away.


"No problem."

Abby's P.O.V

I was sitting in the library when I saw Chris walk in. 


"I want to apologize for what I said," 

"It's okay. I feel completely sorry for missing our date-I mean our hangout!"

He laughed.

"You thought it was a date?"

"No. Remember we're just friends."

"I'm still confused on why you were in the hospital."

"I tried to commit suicide..." I confessed. He looked at me.

"You did what?"

"My life has been miserable, I've been living in a hell, and I was so tried I just wanted to end it..."

"How long have you felt like this?"

"Since I was 10."

"Why would you try to kill yourself. You have people here that care about you!"

"I have no one, my ex-boyfriend left me, my "friend" was just pretending to be my friend, my sister doesn't even talk to me, and my mother passed away! I have no one!"

"You have me," he said. I smiled.


Jack J's P.O.V

I walked to the library, with my lunch tray in my hand. I hope that I can finally get to talk to her, have a real conversation with her, instead of her being quick with me.

I walked in the library and my heart immediately broke into pieces. I saw Abby and some other dude kissing. I walked out. I wanted to be mad, but I couldn't. This is my fault, if I never left her she would still be my girlfriend.

She would still be with me.

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