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Abby's P.O.V

Everyday has been hell to me. I've felt like being here wasn't worth it. I am so tired of being yelled at, and being ignored, and cutting. I should just stop.

I wrote a note and put it on the couch. I walked out of the house. I walked to a bridge. I looked at the sky, I looked all around me, before using all the strength I have left to get on the bridge. I looked down.

My heart was beating fast. I looked down one more time.


Jack J's P.O.V

"I'm on my way!"

"Jack what's going on?!" Tina asked. I couldn't think, all I could do was rush. My heart was beating fast and it felt like my world had stopped.


I rushed out of the door, and to the hospital.

At the Hospital:

I sat in the waiting room, I've been walking around, pacing back-and-forth, I just wish they let me see her.


I looked up to see a doctor. I got up and walked over to him.

"Yes," I said.

"She's fine. She just bumped her head a little while someone was trying to get her off the bridge," the doctor said.

"Thank goodness!"

"You're lucky. You almost lost her today. They said she was very close to jumping," he said.

"Thank you," I said. He nodded and walked away.

"Oh, and if you want to visit her, her room is 803."

I thanked the doctor and quickly walked to her room. It took me a few minutes, but I finally found it. I walked in and saw her staring out the window.



"Hi," I said. I walked over to her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I heard what happened and I rushed immediately here to make sure you were okay," I said.

"Thanks, but I'm fine. I didn't need you to come here."

"Abby...I know we're not on good terms, but that doesn't mean-"

"That you still don't love me? Yeah you sure love me, ignoring me for 5 weeks is sure love," she said sarcastically.

"Abby I'm sorry," he said.

"No I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry that I've hurt you, I'm sorry!"


"These past 5 weeks has been hell for me. I've been crying, I've been cutting, I've been miserable....and you weren't there. So yeah Jack you sure do love me, you love me so much that you left me, went for another girl, yelled at me, made me feel like shit, and guess what you went home happy! I've went home miserable! So don't tell me you love me, because you don't!

"Abby of course I love you!"

"Oh really Jack? Then how come you left me? Explain that!"

"Because I was hurt!"


"I was hurt! Ever since your dad came I was worried! You weren't going out, you weren't eating right! And then I hear that you're cutting yourself and then suddenly I don't know what to feel! I don't like to see you upset Abby. I don't even like when you're smile slightly goes down! So hearing that you were cutting just made me go ballistic!"

"See you decided to leave me and make me get worse!"

Tears started forming in her eyes.

I looked down.

"I love you Jack! Seeing you with that made me go crazy!"

"You hurt me Jack, and now that you hear that I am almost dead you come running back to me! One little stupid incident got you to finally talk to me!"

"Because I love you!"

"Then how come you left me! You left me you walked away with your friends, a new girlfriend and no misery! I am left with no one except a person who was only talking to me because I was the only one to talk to, and again MISERY! And guess what weren't there!"

"I'm sorry!"

"You can keep saying it, but it won't take back those 5 weeks you've been ignoring me," I said.

"Abby I love you..."

"I ask myself why am I here? I could have left a long time ago, I've could have been done this, but no I stayed. I regret staying here, I regret not jumping sooner.."

"You don't mean that, Abby..."

"I do...but what do you soon as I get out of this hospital you'll go back to ignoring me and I will be going back to misery...."

"Abby I don't want to ignore you anymore, not after what happened today..."

"See you only care when I was almost only care-" her voice was cracking. She started to cry.

"Abby please don't cry," I begged.

"That's all I ever do Jack...that's all I can do!"

"Abby I love you...I promise that I won't ever leave you again."

"Jack please stop lying to me! You're just going leave and go back to Tina!"

"Fuck Tina!"


"I don't care about her anymore!"

"But when she gets saved by a guy from jumping off a bridge and gets taken to a hospital, you'll be running right back to her, because that's what you do! You leave, and when you find out that someone's hurt you feel oh so bad! So you go and you apologize and then what?! You tell them you love them and she believes you and then you get your prize! Yay Jack! You have the best life on the planet! You have your fans, you have your best friend, you have your mom and dad, you're living the dream! You leave me and everything's fine for you! I'm so happy for you Jack, now where does this leave me? Oh yeah! A little depressed bitch who ends up trying to kill herself!"

"Abby stop!"

"Don't tell me you care about me, because once you leave this hospital you will forget this moment, and I go back home to cry! You don't care, unless I almost end up dead or I am dead!"



I hugged her. She sobbed and sobbed. Tears were coming down.

"I love you, Jack...."

"I love you too, Abby...."

Happiness?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin