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Sorry guys that I haven't updated yet. School has been killing me, but don't worry I will update soon.

So please sit tight and don't go anywhere because I will update soon and will update my other stories as well.


.............Just Kidding😂😉.....! Gotcha (well probably, idk)

Abby's P.O.V

I walked into school and saw Jack and Beth talking. She hugged him and smiled and walked away.

What did he say? I walked over to him but then stopped and walked back to go to my locker.

"Hey Abby", Jack said.

"Hi Jack", I said.

"Umm...about yesterday, I am so sorry about that, I should of never did that to you", he said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Listen Jack I really did think what you did was out of line but you apologized and I forgive you", I said.

"I am so glad that you forgive me well I gotta get to photography class, Beth is waiting for me", he said.

"Oh wait Jack, are you...are you...umm..still friends with Beth?", I asked.

"Well yeah", he said.

"Oh okay", I said walking away.

I can't believe he is still friends with her. It's like he just wants more drama to continue.

Maybe this is the end for Jack and I. Maybe this is not a happy ending for me.

Jack J's P.O.V

"Hey Beth", I said smiling.

"Oh there you are I've been waiting for you", she said.

"Yeah well I was talking with Abby", I said.

"Oh we'll have you decided on who you are going to be with Jack", she asked.

"Well kind of...", I said.

"I bet it's Abby", she said, I looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry Beth I love Abby to much to let her go", he said.

"I understand, I mean she is the love of your life Jack and I can't stop that", I said.

"I'm so glad you understand Beth see that's why your my best friend, I can't believe Abby tried to stop me for being your friend", I said and then widened my eyes at my last few words.

"What?!", she said.

"Nothing, I said absolutely nothing", I said nervously.

"Did you just say that Abby was trying to destroy our friendship", she said.


"Where is she", I said.

"Beth please don't get mad, she told me to break the friendship but I didn't", I said.

"Thanks Jack but where is she", she said.

"I don't know Beth", I said.

"Well fine I will see her at lunch then", she said. Uh-oh this could get messy.

Lunch Time:

Abby's P.O.V

I walked into the lunch room. I walked over to get some lunch but then decided on getting an apple.

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