Apology Not Accepted

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Abby's P.O.V

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know he would take it that far." Beth said.

"It's okay. I'm done with him. I never want to see his face again!"

"You still love him Abby....."

"No I don't."

"Well we better get to school," Beth said. I nodded. I walked in and saw Jack and Tina. I turned my head and went to my locker.

"Hi," I looked to see Chris.

"Hi," I said.

"You look like you've been crying," he said.

"I'm fine, just haven't had enough sleep last night," I said.

"That's your excuse?"

I laughed.

"There's that laugh I love," he said. I smiled. The bell rung.

"Come on let's get to class!" Chris said dragging me.

Jack J's P.O.V

"You should really go apologize," Jack said.

"I know, I should have never said that. I was just so angry at her for doing that. Now she hates me..."

"She doesn't hate you, she just said that because she was hurt," Jack said.

"You're right," he said.

"You should do something nice for her," Jack said.

"I should." I said.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," Jack said.

Lunch Time:

I couldn't help, but wonder why Abby wasn't in the cafeteria. I got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I looked out at the hallway. I then saw the library. I looked in their and saw that she was in there.

I walked in.

I then saw this guy. He walked over to her with a book. I decided to walk over to her, I don't know why, but I did.

"Hi," I said. She ignored me. She kept talking to the guy. Now I know how it feels to be ignored, and trust me it isn't the best feeling.

I decided to just leave.

Abby's P.O.V

"Who was that? And why were you ignoring him?" Chris asked.

"That's my ex-boyfriend," I said.


"Don't worry about him, he's irrelevant," I said. 

"Oh, okay." he said. 

Later that Day:

I was in the living room when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over and opened it. I saw Jack. I closed the door. He rung the doorbell a few more times.

I walked over to it and opened it.

"What do you want!" I yelled.

"I just wanted to come over here and apologize for what I said."

"Apology accepted, now can you go?"

"May I please come in?" I asked.

"No," I said.

"This is my house...."

He made a good point.


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