Carnivals and Choices

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Abby's P.O.V

I woke up and turned my attention to the other side of the bed. I waited for my eyes to focus.

After they did I noticed that Jack was naked.

"Aaaaahhh", I said getting up.

"Oh shit", he said nervously.

"You know what it doesn't matter I mean it isn't my first time seeing a boy naked", I said.

"Well I better get going inside the bathroom to change my clothes", he said going to the bathroom.

I grabbed my clothes and put them on quickly before Jack comes back in the room.

I walked out and saw Jack on the counter eating strawberries.

"Well that was embarrassing", he said.

"Not really I mean you had your back turn I didn't see everything", I said.

"Whatever", he said rolling his eyes and smiling.

"Well we better get ready for school", I said grabbing a strawberry and taking a bite.

We both walked to the door and opened it. Beth was there almost falling.

"Oh hey Jack, hey Abby", she said.

"Jack we need to talk in private", Beth said.

"I will leave you two alone", I said walking past them and going to school.

Jack J's P.O.V

"Not cool Beth", I said annoyed.

"I'm sorry I just needed to talk to you in private I didn't want her around to spoil the surprise I don't know her like that", I said

"Abby would never do that trust me, I just don't want you to keep ignoring her she feels left out", I said.

"Come on Jack don't be like that you know I would never do that", she said smiling.

"Okay Beth, well come on we better get to school", I said. I walked to my car along with her and I drove off to school.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the school parking lot. We walked into school I saw Abby hugging this guy.

Who is he? Before I could reach them they both walked away. Well that was peculiar.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books. Luckily Beth is right next to my locker.

"Who do you think Abby was hugging", I asked.

"I don't know probably some friend or someone who helped her, but don't worry about it you can trust her right", she said smirking.

"Don't be sarcastic", I said. She smiled rolling her eyes.

We walked to photograph class.

At The Carnival:

Abby's P.O.V

I walked around the carnival. They did a very good job on this place. I looked around and saw Beth and Jack.

They were laughing and talking. I rolled my eyes and walked to a bench and sat down.

"Hey you okay", I looked up to see Taylor.

"Taylor what are you doing here", I asked.

"We're here to see Jack do you know where he is", he asked.

"He's over there with Beth", I said sadly.

"Who's Beth", he asked.

"His so called "friend", I said making air quotes.

"You okay you seem upset", I said.

"Yeah it's just I thought Jack and I would be on the fairest wheel together holding hands and kissing each other's cheek", I said.

"How about I go up there with you instead", he said.

"I don't know....Jack would be pretty mad", I said nervously.

"Well if he doesn't care about your feelings than why do you care for his", he said.

"I ju-, I do-, fine lets go", I said grabbing his hand and running to the fairest wheel.

Jack J's P.O.V

"I wonder where Abby is I haven't seen here since school", I said.

"She's probably with that boy", Beth said laughing.

"Shut up", I said while pushing her lightly.

"But hey don't worry Abby loves you way to much to hurt you in any type of way", she said.

"Hey guys", Jack said walking up to me.

"Hi", Beth and I both said.

"So guess what", Jack said.

"I met this cute girl by the stands, I think she could actually be the one", I said.

"Jack I don't want you to get your hopes up with another girl, just get to know her and let me get to know her and well she if she is the one", I said.

"Yeah just what I need for you to know my girlfriend so you can still her", he said.

"Hey Jack I don't know you personally but I do know that Jack would never do that to you", Beth said.

"Just butt out okay Beth", Jack said.

"No Jack don't be mad because lost a terrific girlfriend, and now you are finding sluts around the carnival", Beth said.

"Whatever", Jack said.

"The truth hurts doesn't it", Beth said. He looked at her angrily.

"Come on guys don't be mad lets just be friends", I said.

"Fine..", they both said.

Abby's P.O.V

Taylor and I got off the Fairest Wheel. We walked over to where Jack was.

"Just the people I wanted to see", Taylor said.

"Taylor what are you doing here", Jack asked.

"I came to ask you two something in private", Taylor said grabbing them and pulling them to the side.

Jack J's P.O.V

"Listen guys Bart wanted me to tell you guys that we have decided to do the tour around college", he said.

"What", I said.

"Sorry guys but you have to come the tour would be nothing without you", he said.

"But Abby and I were going to plan our college together", I said.

"It's okay you can still spend time all senior year with her and once it's over come with us", he said.

"Come on Jack you have to do it, you can't let Abby interfere with your career, this could be a big break for us don't let her get in the way", Jack said.

"Maybe your right, I mean you can't do it alone we're a team", I said.

"I like what I am hearing Jack", Taylor said.

"So are doing the tour", Jack asked.

"I will do the tour", I said.

That's the moment I felt complete guilt. That I was letting Abby down, but like Jack said I can't let her interfere right, right?

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