Paper Cut

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While reading this chapter (if you want) listen to Paper Cut by Zedd.

Abby's P.O.V

I woke up and looked around to see that I was in Jacks bedroom. I saw Jack sleeping next to me.

What happened here? I go up and walked out of the room and went to the bathroom.

2 minutes later after I got out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I went into the cabinets got some cereal and into the refrigerator to get some milk and then I got a bowl and spoon.

I sat down at the table and ate my cocoa puffs. A few minutes later Jack walked in the kitchen.

"Hey", Jack said walking in.

"Hey Jack", I said putting my bowl in the sink.

"So hey do you wanna go somewhere today", he asked.

"Um....sure why not I was kind of hoping we can stay in the house", I said.

"If you want to stay in the house we can", I said.

"I don't know I am just not in a going out"

"It's okay I was just asking I don't feel like going anywhere anyway I just wanted to know", he said.

"Oh okay so I guess we are staying here", I said.

"Yeah I guess we are", he said smiling. It was so awkward between us. I didn't know what was happening but it didn't feel right.

I sat in the couch and watched tv. I couldn't stop thinking about anything but Jack and the relationship between us.

It's like we are growing apart. I just want to know what happened last night that made us sleep together and enjoy our company and now here we are.

"Um.....Abby", Jack asked.

"What is it Jack", I asked.

"Are you still mad at me", he asked.

"No....not after what you did for me last night", I said.

"Oh I am so happy to hear that because I would hate if you were still mad at me", he said sadly.

"No I am actually really happy that you did that for me, you are a true...friend", I said unsure of what to say at the end.

"Yeah a true friend...", he said.

"Listen Jack I know you don't want to be friends and I don't either", I said fast.

"Yeah Abby I was going to talk to you about that", he said.

"Jack do you want get back together", I said.

"YES!!", he yelled.

"I mean yeah sure", he said calmly. I walked up to him and kissed him. I missed his lips so much.

I pulled away smiling. He smiled at me and put his lips back on mine.

"Hey Ja-", we both looked to see Jack in the doorway.

"Hey Jack", Jack said but before he can get his words out he walked out and slammed the door.

We both ran to the door opening it. We looked out to see Jack running to his car. We chased after him.

"Jack wait", we yelled. We soon caught up to him.

"Why didn't you two tell me you were back together", he said sadly.

"Jack we just got back together", Jack said.

"I can't believe this", he said.

"Jack what's the matter", I asked.

"Nothing just nothing", he said.

"Jack pleas tell me", I said.

"I STILL LOVE YOU", he yelled. I was in complete shock. Jack still loves me.


"Whatever just forget it I am going home", he said getting into his car and driving away.

I can't believe what just happened. Jack just told me that he still loves me.

I walked back to Jacks house and got inside sitting on the couch.

"Abby are you okay", Jack asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just in a bit of a shock", I said. He walked over to me and grabbed me cuddling with me.

"What am I going to do", I said.

"I mean Jack loves me, Jack I don't think we can get back together", I said getting up.

"What, why", he said sadly.

"Because it would be awkward for us to be a couple in front of Jack, I just can't do that to him", I said.

"What about all that stuff he did to you, he cheated on you, posted mean things about you", he said. I looked at him, biting my lip.

Jack was right he did do some hurtful things, plus it would be good for me to move on.

"You're right Jack, how cares about him, I really just care about you", I said.

"Me too", he said kissing me.

7 hours later:

I laid in bed and thought about Jack. How he said he loved me. I mean if he really loved me he would of never cheated on me.

I mean I love Jack J, I loved him ever since our first kiss. Everything we done together.

Flashback: (Depressed) Chapter 3

"Hey Abby", Jack said stumbling over to me. Is he drunk?

"Where's Jack G", I asked.

"Probably sinking his teeth into someone's neck", he said smirking. Jack is drunk and the other Jack might be drunk too, we need to get them home.

Jack then smashed his lips on me. I kissed him back. I actually liked it. The whole night we had a make out session.

Flashback Over:

That was a really fun party. I still thought of Jack and how he hurt me.

Like a paper cut......

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