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Abby's P.O.V

I walked to Jacks house. I had a plan a plan to get him back. Hopefully he won't come back home.

I just need to get out my anger. Obviously I can't trash the hotel so I would just trash his house.

I walked into the house and saw Beth and Jack standing at the doorway.

"ABBY", Jack said hugging me. He noticed I wasn't hugging him back and he pulled away looking at me sadly.

"Um...Beth could you give us a minute", Jack said. She walked out of the room.

"I can't believe you Jack how could you", I said.

"I'm sorry Abby it was an accidental kiss", he pleaded.

"It doesn't matter Jack I would never do that to you, because I love you", I said.

"I love you too", he said.

"No you don't your just like Jack G you say you love me but you don't, I thought you were different", I said.

"Abby I am sorry it wasn't like that I didn't kiss her first she kissed me you have to believe that", he said.

"But you weren't stopping no you were kissing her back which hurt me the most", I said.

"Abby please it was a mistake it won't ever happen again", he said.

"The past 2 weeks you spending all your time with her not even paying attention to me, and now your making out with her, I just can't believe you right now Jack", I said.

"Abby please I love you and I know you love me too", he said grabbing my hand.

"I don't know about that anymore", I said.

"You don't mean that Abby", he said.

"Jack I love you but every time I tell someone I love them I get hurt and I just can't keep doing that", I said.

"Abby I love you way to much to ever hurt you I would never want to hurt you ever", he said kissing my neck and then my cheek and then my lips.

I kissed him back. While I kissed him I thought about Jack and how he begs for me to forgive him.

Maybe I should forgive him, I mean it was probably just Beth who made the first move and kept kissing him. Maybe Jack was in shock and didn't know what to do.

Maybe I should give him another chance, I mean I still love him. What should I do?

I pulled away slowly. I got up and walked out the door.

"Abby please, I don't want it to end like this", he said.

"Me either Jack", I said.

"Than please give me another chance, I won't hurt you just please be mine again", he said.

"Fine Jack", I said. He walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. I still don't know if I made a big mistake or not?

"Abby I love you", he said.

"I love you too", I said.

Next Day:

I woke up and notice I was in Jacks room. I woke up and looked around and no one was there.

"Hello", I yelled.

"Abby did you have a good sleep", Jack said.

"Hey guys", Beth said.

"Umm....what is she doing here", I whispered.

"Beth wanted to come here and apologize", he said.

"Listen...umm Abby I am so sorry for kissing Jack it was an accident I never meant to do it", I said.

"Thanks Beth", I said.

"So I can't see Jack now right", I said.

"No you guys can be friends as longs as you don't have that moment with him again", I said.

"Okay, great so I will see you guys later", she said.

"Bye", Jack and I said simultaneously.

"So you wanna go out to eat with Jack and I", he asked.

"Umm I don't know I don't think Jack wants to see me..", I said.

"Of course he does -the doorbell rung- that must be him", he said walking to the door.

"Jack", he said smiling. He walked in smiling until he saw me.

"I gotta go", I said.

"Wait Abby why are you leaving", Jack asked.

"Because it's obvious that Jack doesn't want to be here and I'm not going to stay to here and take it", I said.

"Abby wait", Jack G said.

"What Jack", I said.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you and I am sorry for being such a dick I was just jealous okay and I am truly sorry for being like that", he said.

"It's okay Jack I understand....", I said sadly. Jack J looked at me sadly. Jack G walked over to me and hugged me.

"So where do you two want to go", Jack asked.

"Friday's", Jack G and I said in unison.

We walked out of the house and into Jacks car. We drove to Friday's talking and laughing.

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