Being Left Out

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Abby's P.O.V

I walked into the hospital. I waited there for about 30 minutes until the nurse called me to go into the patients room.

I don't know why but Michael said to come here and told me to ask them to go to room 324.

I walked inside and was surprised to see my mother. She looked dead and helpless.

I cried and thought why did he send me here is this like some kind of message he is trying to give me.


Jack J's P.O.V

"Hi Jack", I looked to see some brunette-haired girl.

"Hello?", I asked.

"You don't remember me", she asked, I shook my head.

"It's me Valerie", she said walking up to me.

"Oh hey Valerie long time no see", I said.

"Yeah the last time I saw you was when you were running to some girl and left me at Panera all alone", I said.

"Oh yeah I am so sorry about that I have to make sure she was okay", I said.

"No no it's okay I mean we can always do it again...right", she said batting her eyelashes.

"Ummm...I don't know I am kind of busy these days", I said.

"Come on you have did leave me all alone, don't I deserve at least one more chance", she asked.

"Okay fine", I said.

Abby's P.O.V

I walked back home. I still questioned why Michael sent me there. It's like he was trying to show me something.

I walked in to see Jack and some girl watching television. Don't tell me that's...

"Hey Abby you remember Valerie right", Jack said.

"Of course", I said fake smiling.

" Jack I will see you tomorrow", she said smiling and kissing his cheek.

What the hell was that?

"Bye", she said walking out. I shut the door walking up to him. He looked at me nervously.

"What the hell were you two together", I asked.

"Listen I felt bad for leaving her at Panera that day and so I decided to apologize by treating her to lunch", he said.

"Jack you are so oblivious", I said annoyed.


"She is trying to make a move on you", I said.

"Don't be jealous you are the only one I pay attention too, I love you Abby", he said kissing me.

I pushed him onto the couch climbing on top of him. I kissed him roughly. He moaned.

"Hey g-", we looked to see Michael standing in the door way. We both groaned.

"We can never finish", I said annoyed.

"Hey Michael what are you doing here", I asked.

"Jack your mother wanted me to ask if you had any milk that she can use", he asked.

Jack went to the fridge and got some milk. He walked to Michael and gave it to him.

"Here ya go", he said.

"Thanks", he said walking out.

"Now where were we", Jack said walking up to me. I pulled him towards me kissing him gently.

I pulled away.

"So what do you want to do", he asked.

"I don't know but we should get some sleep soon we do have school tomorrow", he said.

"Ugh....luckily this is our senior year and we will be spending it together", I said.

"Yeah....well I am going to bed see you tomorrow", he said.

"Goodnight", I said.


Next Morning:

I woke up and remembered today is the first day of school. I put on my clothes and grabbed my book bag and headed to the kitchen.

Where in the world is Jack? I went into the cabinet got some cereal then went to the refrigerator and got some milk and then grabbed a spoon and ate my cereal.

After finishing my breakfast I headed off to school. Thanks Jack for not asking me if I wanted a ride!

I walked to school hoping that Jack was there.

Few minutes later:

I walked into school. I looked at the freshman and laughed because I used to be them.

I walked to Jacks locker when I spotted Jack talking to some girl. Please don't be Valerie.

I walked up to them.

"Hey Abby", Jack said.


"Oh I'm sorry this is Beth", Jack said.

"Hi I'm Abby", I said shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Abby", she said.

"Oh there you are", Jack G said walking up to her and putting his arm around her.

"We have to go to the photography class immediately", Jack said.

"Oh shoot yeah, cmon Jack me might need your help", Beth said grabbing Jack.

"Thanks for leaving me", I said. Hopefully I won't be left out a lot.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I headed to class. I spotted Jack and them together having fun.

Wish I can say the same for me.

Later That Day:

I was at the table doing my homework. The door then flew wide opened and their was Jack, Jack, and Beth.

"I'm home", Jack yelled.

"Hey Abby", Jack and Beth said.

"Hi", I said.

"Don't forget tomorrow is the senior Carnival", Jack and Beth said walking out.

"Okay I will be there", Jack yelled.

"Have fun", I asked.

"Yeah Beth is so fun", he said.

"I am so glad you guys had fun without me", I said.

"I am so sorry about that but we were actually wondering where you were, but don't worry we are going to the carnival together okay", he said.

"Okay", I said.

He walked up to me, climbing on top of me. He kissed me roughly. I pushed him off laughing.

"What's so funny", he asked.

"You tickled me", I said.

"Oh....well let me do it again", he said tickling my sides making me laugh loudly.

"Sto-hahahahah", I said laughing. A few minutes later he stopped. I hit him lightly on the shoulder.

"Well I better go to sleep and you should too we have a long day ahead of us", he said.

"Okay", I said walking with him. We both got in bed both falling asleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.

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