Heart Broken

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Abby's P.O.V

My mom walked into the room with a big smile on her face. She ran up to me and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"I am so happy that you called me, are you alright", she said.

"Yeah I just been having some trouble with Jack and Jack, it's been complicated and I don't know what to do", I said putting my head in the palm of my hands.

"I'm sorry honey but having two guy friends wasn't going to work out smoothly", she said.

"I know I just really thought it did but I should've of known, I just want everything to go back to the way it used to be", I said.

Jack J's P.O.V

"Jack you need to calm down Abby is probably at home or something", Beth said.

"My place is here home and is she in it no, Abby is probably getting robbed or raped out there", I cried.

"Jack you are just thinking the worst, don't worry you will find her", she said.

"Thanks Beth", I said.

"No problem, bye", she said.

"Bye", I said hanging up the phone call.

I drove to Abby's house. I parked and ran to the front door opening it widely. I ran upstairs to her room.

She wasn't in there. I panicked thinking about whatever place she can be. Maybe she is in the park?

I ran out the door and heading to the park. I walked to the bench that she always sits on and was heart broken to see that she wasn't there.

Where in the hell is Abby? I know she can't be far she has to be somewhere. I know she can't be that far away from me.

Abby's P.O.V

My mom kept talking about how she was getting beaten by a strange man. She said she couldn't remember what the man looked like but she did remember what he did.

"I can't believe what happened to you mom I should of been there to help you instead of being with these stupid boys", I said.

"I thought you and Jack are together", she said.

"We are but I think he has feelings for another girl, I mean they've been hanging out for 2 weeks they didn't even know I was there", I said sadly.

"I'm so sorry honey about what's been happening to you the past week but don't worry I am here", she said hugging me.

"I just don't know what to do mom I mean ever since the incident that happened at the party everything went down hill", I said sadly.

"Don't worry everything well be fine honey trust me", she said getting up and walking out of the room.

I felt my phone vibrate. I looked everywhere until I notice it was in my pocket. I looked to see I was getting a call from Jack.

I rolled my eyes and ignored it. Why should I answer? I mean it's not like he needs me, he is probably with Beth.

I put it back in my pocket.

An hour later I went to sleep thinking about Jack and Jack.

Next Morning:

Beth's P.O.V

"OKAY I AM ON MY WAY", I yelled into the phone. I walked to the hospital.

I can't believe Jack got into an accident looking for Abby. When I see her I am going to destroy her.

How dare she hurt my Jack. My best friend, the only one that gets me and really connects with me.

How could this happen?

Abby's P.O.V


"What happened", my mom asked getting up.

"Jack got in a car accident", I said putting on my clothes.

"You need to get down their right now, here is some money for a card and flowers", my mom said.

"Thanks mom, bye", I said running out the door. I headed to the nearest store thinking about Jack.

Beth's P.O.V

I walked into the hospital. I went to the front desk.

"Hi I am here for Jack Johnson", I said.

"Room 123", she said. I ran down the hall and to his room. It took a few minutes to find but I finally found it.

I ran in and went to Jack. He looked at me and smiled.

"I am so glad that you are okay", I said hugging him.

"Yeah the accident wasn't that bad I just got a few scars that's it", he said.

"You had me scared, I can't believe you risked your life to find that bitch Abby", I said.

"Hey don't say that it was my fault for not paying attention", he said.

"But you wouldn't on the road if it wasn't for her", I said. He looked at me sadly.

"I am just glad your okay", I said kissing him gently on the lips. He looked at me.

I smashed my lips on his and kissed him passionately. I grabbed his face deepening the kiss.

That moment I knew I liked Jack.

Abby's P.O.V

I walked in the hospital. I went to the front desk and smiled at the lady.

"Hi I'm here for Jack Johnson", I said.

"Apparently a lot of people are", she said rolling her eyes. Okay then....

"Room 123", she said. I ran down the door. I was at room 122. I stopped and got ready and prepared what I was going to say to him.

I just hope he is okay.

I went to the door. I opened it and saw Beth and Jack kissing. I was heartbroken, I threw the flowers on the ground and ran out.

I thought Jack J was different, but he's just like Jack G. When am I ever going to realize that guys are jerks.

I should just stop dating and give up on guys. If Jack wasn't the right one for me then no one is at this point.

Beth's P.O.V

I pulled away smiling along with Jack. He then pushed me away.

"We can't do this, I am with somebody else Beth", he said.

"I'm so sorry Jack it was an accidental kiss", I said.

"I better get going", I said getting up.

"What don't leave", he said. I looked down to see flowers. I picked them up and looked to see it was from Abby.

"Umm.....Jack these are for you", I said handing him the flowers.

"Oh no Abby was here, I bet she saw us kissing", he said nervously.

"I am so sorry Jack", I said. He just looked at me.

Abby's P.O.V

I threw things on the floor and cried. I can't believe he would do this to me. I can't believe I thought he was one.

What did I ever do to deserve this? My phone went off and I looked to see it was Jack calling me.

What is happiness anymore for me if I keep feeling depressed?

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